‡2‡ Of World Travel and Herbal Tea

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"W-w-where's t-the m-m-mansion?!"

Tino would sorely like to know the answer to that question as well. The grounds of the Vainomoinen estate were by no means small; there were small landscaped groups of trees here and there, but there was only one pond, from which you could clearly see the house from all sides. They were in an upscale neighborhood surrounded by many such properties. Now, however, they were somehow surrounded by a Forest with no gazebo or house in sight!

Where the hell were they?!

Confusion quickly bred panic, and it wasn't helped by the cold drilling into their bones.

"W-where is t-this?!" Even Lukas' voice wasn't quite as calm as it usually was. That didn't bode well. "T-tino I c-can't s-see your house!"

"I-I d-don't know!!" Tino's voice was clearly panicked. He looked about wildly hoping that this was some kind of mirage caused by their impromptu icy swimming session just now and blinking hard enough might make it disappear.

"W-well we've g-gotta g-get inside b'fore we f-freeze t-to d-death!!" Lukas hissed through chattering teeth, rubbing fiercely at his shoulders and jogging in place.

It was true. It was still mid winter and their sopping wet clothes were bound to freeze solid. Hypothermia was hanging over their necks like a guillotine.

Emil quickly dug his phone from his pocket and let out a pained groan when he saw the dark wet screen of the device.

"Look!" It was Tino's voice that drew their attention and his excited pointing at the top of the trees to his right that alerted them to a distant column of smoke over the tree line. "It l-looks l-like someone's n-nearby!" Or it could be a burning house. Either was good as long as he could get warm.

Eagerly they began to jog towards the smoke, jumping over roots and logs halfway buried in the snow and nearly tripping several times, but they made sure to never loose sight of that promising column of whispy white and gray.

So focused were they that the whoosh and thunk of an arrow embedding into the trunk of a tree mere inches from Tino's face almost made them jump out of their skin.

Tino let out a high pitched yelp, staring at the quivering, feathered shaft of of the object that nearly skewered him and gulped.

Following the path of the arrow with their eyes, a figure appeared to their right.

There, a few yards away on the slope, standing right next to a huge tree was a figure dressed from head to toe in furs and dark brown leather boots, stern brown eyes glaring in their direction as sharp as the crossbow already nocked and aimed at them.

The three omegas were stunned into silence.

The crazy crossbow wielding figure obviously wasn't pleased with their silence however.

"Who are you?" Came a gruff, albeit surprisingly young, voice. A young alpha it seemed. Inwardly, Tino dispaired. Yet another alpha was attacking them tonight. They couldn't catch a break!

"W-were just passing by," Lukas, bless his soul, managed to find his voice first and stated calmly, managing to tune down his stuttering from the cold.

"Lies!" The alpha barked sounding irritated; the omegas tensed in tandem with the alpha's grip on the crossbow. "Travelers use the road. Why are you trespassing in the forest? Who sent you? Speak!"

"L-look! We don't know, alright!" Lukas boldly snapped back. ". We f-fell into that pond back there and we're freezing our asses off! We're just trying to find somewhere warm!"

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