‡10‡ Of Conquest and Reunions

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Today was different.

Tino didn't know why, but it just was.

Today was the sixth day and just like all the other mornings after Tino's body had been messed around by his captor, he was allowed to bathe in the big wooden tub, and just like all the other times, Berwald just sat and watched him go about it...


Tino could barely stomach being in the water longer than he absolutely had to.

It's not that he didn't enjoy getting clean, especially after having unmentionable fluids rubbed into his skin the night before. It's just... that gaze was too unsettling!

The couple of beta servants had filled the tub with steaming water and left immediately, as always, and the blonde alpha watched Tino's every move as he bathed in it. Tino had his back to the man, in order to block that piercing gaze, but that did nothing to block the occasional jolts of what was clearly lust, satisfaction and a faint undertone of pride radiating from the mating bond.

So Tino usually endeavored to bathe quickly.

It's not that he didn't enjoy baths. In fact, back home, after a long day of work on his feet, Tino would go home to his flat and run himself a nice, hot, bubbly bath. Even in this world where people didn't seem to bathe daily, Tino liked to at least bathe every other day and have a wipe-down when he couldn't.

He was especially keen on getting clean after last night as well. Not that he could completely wash away what happened last night.

Hell, even the soap back in their world couldn't wash away the scent of pheromones on his skin, much less in this place where the closest thing to soap was a herbal mixture Yao whipped up.

No. He still smelled very much of the blonde alpha behind him, but at least he wasn't sticky anymore, so there's that...

Tino suppressed a shudder at the thought of that piercing, ice blue gaze raking along his bare back.

None of these things were a recent development though.

What caught Tino's attention about today was the fact that at dawn's first light of Tino's first day in this encampment, Berwald had set about packing away the few belongings inside the tent as Tino watched silently from the bedding.

When he thought about it, there also seemed to me a lot more noise from outside the tent too.

Tino wasn't certain... but he had a hunch that they were finally moving out like Berwald said, which meant he was moving out right along with them, and something told him that they weren't going back to the village...

Hence why he was taking his time getting clean despite the blonde alpha molesting him with his eyes.

Berwald hadn't jumped him while he was bathing yet, and Tino could only hope this theme continued, because he was currently willing the hot water to wash away his rampant anxiety and uncertainty for his future.

It couldn't though. It was almost full on winter, and the water got cold quickly so he soon had to get out of the tub. As soon as he did so, he grabbed the large cloth that was used for drying up and wrapped his naked body in it.

He headed for the bed where he would be infinitely more protected from the cold autumn air, but was halted by a large calloused hand on his shoulder. He squeaked and jerked to look at the towering alpha.

Tino was surprised, however, when a bundle of fabric was pressed into his hands and he took it reflexively.

He blinked down at the bundle. It was the same one Berwald had brought in the day before.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2019 ⏰

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