‡5‡ Of Lust and Trophies (Part 1)

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By the time the accursed black beast came to a stop, Tino's poor abdomen was sore his throat hurt from the screaming and it was already about eight in the night and getting nippy.

They came upon what looked like an encampment, and the riders dismounted while talking raucously, some hefting their "prizes" that were in a similar position to Tino. They greeted their comrades, and some took their captives directly to their tents. Tino's face paled. Glancing around, he only just managed to catch a glimpse of Lukas being carried over the shoulder of that alpha who was wearing the red tunic.

He lost sight of them when his own captor dismounted and he was easily manhandled from his perch draped over the saddle to being draped over a very broad shoulder

Immediately his struggles began anew.

"Put. Me. Down!!" Unfortunately, no matter how hard Tino pounded on the back of his captor, the grip around the back of his thighs didn't loosen in the slightest.

Looking frantically around, Tino noticed that there were quite a few people in the large encampment, all armed to the teeth and comprising solely of alphas and betas. That is, save for the captives like himself who were taken from the village. There were even some captives who's faces he didn't even vaguely recognize. Could they have come from another village these bastards attacked?

The Fin was pulled from these thoughts by the sound of raucous conversation between some of the pillagers that were already sitting around a fire.

They were jeering and laughing good naruredly while gesturing in the direction of Tino and his captor.

"The general has brought back quite the haul!" One of them laughed.

"I wonder where he manged to pick up that beauty!" Another one exclaimed. "Wasn't their last target just a small village near the border?"

"I never seen one so fair. What I wouldn't give for a roll in the hay with that one!"

Tino flushed with humiliation and rage at their blatant leering. It was just as bad back in the village, but back then he was on his own two feet and fully capable of turning his nose up and not paying the slurring alphas like them any mind. Now he was helplessly slung over a stranger's shoulder like a sack of potatoes and paraded around like a trophy.

Tino grit his teeth.

He just needed to endure it for a little while longer. This behemoth couldn't very well carry him forever. He just had to find an opening to escape. Then he could find Lukas, Emil and maybe even Yao and Leon so they could get the hell away from these people!

"I reckon the general is going to have a good night indeed!"

'...What?' Tino's eyes flew to the fire lit face of one of the pillagers.

"I've never seen him snatch an omega before or even court any back home," another alpha chipped in. "Then again... This one would make any healthy man's head turn..." Tino couldn't see them properly from that angle, but he could practically feel their lewd gazes on his rump where it was raised defenselessly across his captor's shoulder.

A dark, deep, dangerous growl rumbled from the hard chest pressed against the front of Tino's thighs.

Immediately those speakers retrieved their gazes from Tino's person and almost cringed away from the large body that was hauling him around and past the various campfires and tents.

Tino didn't pay this any mind; he was still reeling from shock. His mouth and eyes wide open and all traces of color drained from his face.

He felt like such a fool, thinking that at worst he'd be imprisoned or something. Perhaps it was the fault of his upbringing in a civilized modern time where each man and woman had their own rights, but now he finally grasped that he was now an unmated omega in a near lawless world who was captured from a village that was attacked and pillaged.

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