‡6‡ Of Lust and Trophies (Part 2)

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Lukas felt like he was on fire.

His fevered mind was working double time to find a way out of this incredibly bad situation.

He knew he was close to his heat; he’d been building, taking apart and rebuilding his nest for a couple days now. He was quite familiar with the usual urge to make sure everything was where it’s supposed to be that usually indicated the approach of his five days of hell. It was during one of his checks that he noticed the absence of not only Tino but his little brother as well. He felt the furthest thing from assured about his brother and cousin being out and about in this dangerous place while he was out of commission for almost a week.

He decided to pop out and find them; He should have had at least two more days before his heat judging by all the cycles he’s had before. This was the only reason he took the risk and left the house in the first place.

Not only did his heat just inexplicably skip a few days, but his cousin and baby brother were being held captive by criminals and he was now over the shoulder of an unknown alpha whose plans for him seemed anything but chaste, judging from the way the man boldly kneaded his ass every now and then on that hellish horseback journey.

The sad part was how much his body enjoyed it.

They were now somewhere that his heat addled mind couldn't process other than the fact that there was a lot of people, many of them alphas that seemed to show his captor great respect, if the way the other alphas physically held themselves back from approaching the obviously in heat omega now over his shoulder. That didn't stop some of them from staring longingly at Lukas though.  

Lukas was quite sure he'd never had a heat hit him as hard as this one. By the time he was hauled off the saddle and over the alpha's shoulder, he was flushed and panting with involuntary, needy whines escaping him. He could feel slick already running down his thighs.

The alpha was giving off his own strong pheromones that had Lukas squirming in his grip.

The alpha barked out some orders to someone nearby before Lukas could register himself being brought into an enclosed space.

‘A tent?’

The remaining rational part of his brain that was more Lukas and less heat was panicking like crazy. Unfortunately, this was no longer the part of his brain that was in control of his traitorous body. There was fire beneath his skin, and his body was telling him that the man below him could put it out.

It was simply terrifying how the biological reaction could cloud his normally impeccable sense of judgement so much, and it was only getting worse with each passing second. So much so that every jostle from the alpha's swift walking pace sent jolts of pleasure through his body.

He had been vaguely aware of voices around him as well as occasional growling and snapping from the alpha carrying him. By the time the man ducked into what seemed to be a rather large tent, Lukas was panting heavily.

He was dropped onto a massive pile of furs. They instantly made him feel even more overheated and uncomfortable than he was before. Relief wasn’t too far away though as his clothes were swiftly rendered to shreds by a pair of very eager hands.


The squeeze and sting of the cloth pulling, squeezing, and splitting apart on his overly sensitive skin was just enough to clear his mind by a tiny bit, just enough for him to be more aware of his surroundings.

The tent was bare save for a couple saddlebags, an ornately carved chest, a chair and table beside a low burning brazier and the huge bed of fur he was now sprawled nude on. There wasn’t much Lukas could force himself to pay attention to aside from the man that was now straddling his legs while undressing.

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