Chapter 19

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December 21st

"That's a deal breaker." Jacob said. "No it isn't." Daniel mentioned. "Yes it is." Malik said. "What do you all suggest I do?" I asked. "Break up with her." Jacob said. Malik nodded. "He doesn't have to. Just give her some time." Daniel offered.

"She is never going to love him if she doesn't now. Did she even say she's falling in love?" Malik asked. I shook my head no. "There you have it." Malik said. "I'll break up with her." I decided. I don't want to fall in love with her more when she doesn't have the same feelings.

"Are you going to listen to these fools or me?" Daniel wondered. "I need to break up with her." I confirmed. "If you do this when you want her back you won't have her back." Daniel said. I shrugged. This is my choice and I'm not changing it. I took out my phone and I texted Joanna.

Me: Can we talk? ~12:45

"This soccer team is not good." Daniel said. "What do you know?" Malik asked. "Ever since they lost their star player they haven't been playing like they used to." Daniel argued. I checked my phone.


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He can't just break up with me like that. Why is it a crime to not say I love you back? I called him. "What?" He answered. "You really want to give up?" I asked. "Yes, I do." He said. "I may not be in love with you but I know I'm getting there." I acknowledged.

"Getting there, how?" He asked. "I mean I'm falling in love with you. I'm not totally in love yet." I said. "You are?" He asked. "Yes." I smiled. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"I don't know." I mentioned. "I guess I didn't want to bring it up." I added. "Daniel was telling me not to break up with you but Jacob and Malik said I should. I guess I just listened to the majority instead of thinking more about it." He stated.

"Let's take a break since you obviously didn't think about the decision you want to make." I said. "I think a break will be good. It'll let me think of what I actually want." He mentioned. "Ok. It's settled then." I said. "Yeah." He said. I ended the call.

"Lunch is ready." Kelly informed me. I nodded. She sat on the bed. "What's wrong?" She asked. I sighed. "Lanre says he loves me." I started. "Did you say it back?" She exclaimed. "No and that's the problem. He wanted to break up with me over that." I said.

"But you love him." She assumed. "I'm falling in love but I don't think I'm totally there yet." I mentioned. "I think you love him. You might just be afraid to let him know." She inferred.

Am I afraid? Maybe I do love him instead of thinking I'm still falling. I just don't want to get hurt again. The way James hurt me is something that I'll always remember.


"James just stop." Laura told me. "Why? I thought you wanted him to feel the way you used to?" I wondered. "I don't anymore. I told you that. Payback isn't going to make me feel better and it definitely won't make you feel better." She explained.

"I'm still doing it." I mentioned. "I told Lanre that you're up to something." She admitted. I knew she was going to do something like that. "When?" I asked. "A couple months ago." She answered.

I shrugged. I don't care if they are aware. "I no more have feelings for Lanre and you shouldn't for Joanna. They are happily together so don't waste your time getting back with someone that doesn't want anything to do with you." She informed me.

They really are happy together. I didn't think about that. Forcing someone to be with you isn't right. I shouldn't do this then or I'll get hurt again. "Fine. I won't do it." I decided. Laura smiled.

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