Chapter 12

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July 26th

"You did what?" Sandra outburst. "I did what I wanted to do." I said. "Are you sure? It seems like you said that because you wanted to be petty." She said.

"I did not." I declined. "If you didn't, you said it because you didn't want to admit you have feelings for him." She inferred.

"It's because I don't forgive him." I told her. He ignored me for a shellfish reason. "Does he forgive you?" She asked. "I guess." I shrugged.

"Forgive him too. I know Lanre can find another girl." She smirked. I know she's saying this for me to be mad but I'm not. If he finds another girl I won't care.

It's just feelings not love. "Can we talk about something else?" I suggested. "Daniel finally asked me out on a date." She mentioned.

I smiled. Every time she talks about Daniel she's full of joy. "When is it?" I wondered. "Sometime next month since he's still in Birmingham." She smiled.

I already know that she's dreaming about how it's going to go. "We should do something tonight." I said. She looked at me like I was crazy. "Like what?" She wondered.

"The beach." I said. I really feel like relaxing and the beach is the best place for me. "We could do that." She agreed. We got our stuff and then we left for the beach.


"No girl this month?" Malik asked. I shrugged. "Seems like you're listening to Daniel." He noticed. I have been taking Daniel's advice since I found out I don't have an STD. "You should too before you catch something." I suggested.

"Nah. Only men that ain't having fun do that type of stuff." He mentioned. "There's other ways to have fun." I mentioned. Seeing a lot of girls in one year was fun but now that I think about it I was messed up. He laughed. I shook my head and I drank some water.

"I'm done here.  I'll see you later." I said. I grabbed my stuff and left the gym. "Hey, Lany." Someone called my name. Laura is the only person that called me that. "What do you want?" I asked. "I just wanted to say hi." She stated.

"Ok. Hi and bye." I walked away. She doesn't seem pissed. She must be plotting something because she was way too nice since I broke up with her on Valentine's day. I was cheating on her and she kept trying to force something that wasn't going to work. 

When I parked my car I saw an unusual car in the driveway. I used the key my aunt gave me and I unlocked the door. "Hey." Melanie said. "Hi." I said back. Melanie is my older cousin. I want upstairs to put my gym bag in my room. "Jane says that you have been depressed." Melanie sat on my bed.

"I'm not." I declined. "You're a mess." She thought. I don't look like one. "So tell me about this girl." She said. Jane has to tell her everything. I told her some things about Joanna.

"She sounds like someone that's good for you." She thought. "She is." I smiled. My phone started ringing. It's Joanna. "Is it her?" Melanie asked. I nodded. I answered the call.

"Hello." I said. "Hey. I am wondering when can we meet." She said. "Why? You can tell me what you want to say over the phone." I mentioned. I heard her sigh. "I'll rather tell you in person but I'll just tell you now." She said. 

It seems like whatever she wants to say is hard for her to say. "I... havefeelingsforyou." She rushed out. "What did you say?" I wondered. "I have feelings for you." She spoked slowly. "You do?" I asked. "Yes." She answered. "Why'd you say that we won't work out then?" I wondered.

"I was still pissed at you." She replied. Of course she was. "So what do you want to do?" I inquired. I'm letting her decided so I don't force something she doesn't want. "Let's start over." She decided. "Ok. I'm free on Saturday, so do you want to hang out?" I wondered. "Hang?" She sounded shock.

"I'm just messing with you. Would you like to go on a date with me on Saturday?" I  asked again. "I would love to." She said. I heard some yelling coming from downstairs. "I'll call you back later." I hung up before she could say anything.

Melanie and I went downstairs. It was Jane and some boy. "What's going on?" Melanie said. Jane looks like she's about to kill this boy. "Trent's been stalking me and he won't leave me alone." Jane informed us. "Why would you do that?" I looked at Trent. "I love her and she broke up with me for a stupid reason." He stated.

I never knew Jane was in a relationship. "No matter the reason you should never stalk someone. Now get out." I said. He didn't say anything and then he left. "Are you ok?" Melanie questioned. Jane nodded. "You're done dating boys till your eighteen." I demanded.

"That's not fair." She whined. "I agree with him. What if this happens again?" Melanie inputted. "So much for having siblings." Jane said before going upstairs. Melanie went after her. Melanie's mom is my aunt that adopted me and my sister.  She calls Melanie sister because she was two when we came here. Melanie came downstairs. "Is she mad?" I asked. "She'll be fine. She just has to cool down." She mentioned.

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