Chapter 18

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December 16th

"What are you doing for Christmas?" I asked Lanre. "I don't know, babe." He stated. We made it official a couple months ago. His parents are out of state till after New Years. "You and your sisters should come for Christmas at my parents house." I offered.

"Melanie is spending it with her boyfriend and Jane is just going to hang with her friend whose parents are barely home." He told me. "Then it's just you." I said. He looked like he was thinking deep.

"What?" I asked. "It's way too soon for me to meet your family." He mentioned. "I don't think it is  too soon." I said. "I'm not ready yet. I'll probably just go to Louisiana and meet up with my parents." He said.

I frowned. "Ok." I said. I wasn't going to beg him like I wanted to. That'll put too much pressure on him. "You're probably not ready to meet mine yet." He assumed. "Actually I am." I smiled.

I already met his two sisters. "I'll see when my parents are available." He mentioned. I smiled. I'm not scared about meeting his parents. Most people are worried about what their significant other's parents might think about them but I'm not.

He kissed me. "What was that for?" I asked. "Do I need a reason to kiss my girlfriend?" He asked. "Probably. What's the reason?" I wondered. "I'm in love with you." He said.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't feel like I was totally in love but I know I was falling for it. "You don't have to say it if you're not ready." He sighed. I wished I was because I don't know if he understands.

My phone started ringing. Finally, a distraction. I answered it without looking whose calling. "Hello." I said. "Hi." She sounded like she was going to cry. "What happened?" I asked worriedly. "I got jumped by some random girls when I was filing up gas." She said.

"Are you home? Are you ok? Are you alone?" I wondered. "Yes. Yes. Yes." She said. "I'm coming." I said. I ended the call. "I have to go. My sister needs me." I told Lanre. He didn't say anything. I took my keys and left.

He's mad at me. I don't know what's going to happen with us. That could be a deal breaker. I quickly got to my parents house. I used the key to enter. "Camille." I yelled. "I'm in my room." She mentioned.

I rushed to her room and she had so many bruises on her face. Her eye was swollen. "How could you say you're ok?" I wondered. I went to the bathroom and got some alcohol with a towel so I could clean her bruises.

"That's not going on my face." She mentioned. I avoided her and I cleaned her bruises. She was screaming. "How'd you let them beat you up?" I asked. She's 18. She should've defended herself.

"There was 5 of them what was I supposed to do. 5 wins against 1." She told me. "Have you offended anyone?" I asked her. "My boyfriend has an ex that's still madly in love with him but I don't think she can do this." She said.

I laughed. "She definitely did." I told her. This is all because of a boy. "You need to end it with your boyfriend if you don't want to be beat up again." I mentioned. I know this is going to be hard for her. She stood up. "I am not doing that. I'm not letting her win." She mentioned.

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