Arc 3: Phase 2: Creeping Danger

Start from the beginning

As the Uzumaki teen continued sweeping the floor while dancing around with the music at the same time, she then became unaware of the things happening around her, such as that she was on the verge of unintentionally bumping into a small vase which was displayed on certain spot.

Himawari eventually was able to knockout the vase from its position by the swaying of her hips because of the music. It was at that same time when the teenage girl widened her eyes as she then realized what she has done. It was just instinct that she instantly remembered the spot where the vase was placed and she happened to be also in this very spot.

So with a immediate quick move, the girl dropped the broom stick and dust pan as she attempted to save the only small vase that resided in this very apartment. Eventually, the attempt was successful as she managed to prevent the fragile object from falling to the floor, that would also add to the work load if that really happened.

"Phew! that was a close one." Himawari gave a sigh of relief. It also brought back a distant memory of a certain boy who unintentionally broke a certain family vase to which he apologized for it and eventually placed pieces back to together.

However, the memory dwelling was short lived as she took noticed of a random object located near under the lone sofa. The Random object was revealed to be some kind book or just a photocopied version of it. Himawari blinked a few times before deciding to head to the spot to investigate more.

Once she reached that spot, she finally got a good look of the object which confirmed her questions. It was indeed a book, which was photocopied, considering that it was just a stack papers and clipped into one single file." I really don't remember this being under the sofa." Himawari wondered as she examined the book more and discovered that it belong to the Sunakagure Grand Library.

"Did Boru-nii brought something that I didn't know about?" She asked herself. Her big brother sometimes kept secrets from anyone.

"Revelation?" Himawari muttered. The book title was indeed interesting though.

She then proceeded to open the pages of the book which took her to a particular page and topic that somehow intrigued her. The title of the page that she found herself staring at was entitled:

"The Organization"


Throughout all of his life as a Shinobi, Yamato had never experienced this kind of let down or disappointment. He was currently at a quiet area in the forest, not too far away from where the rest of the team was currently located. The only simple reason on why he chose a quiet spot like this was because that he wanted some time alone.

The brown haired instructor sat under a particular tree and engaging with his own thoughts at the moment.

There wasn't a single emotion that he expressed. It was all blank as he wondered if he really did make the right decisions during the Kyuubi incident at the bridge. He looked as if he was a very lost case and just stood there watching without doing anything to help solve the problem while a member of the team began to wrecked havoc nearly risking a pink haired teen's life.

"Dammit!" Yamato exclaimed as he drew out his Kunai and threw it on the ground in a fit of frustration. This was the first time that he let out an emotion from deep inside.

It was his responsibility as a team captain and leader to make sure that the rest of the team to be safe. Sure, they were in this high level mission but they really gotta watched out for their lives if they want to accomplish this.

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