"I'm so sorry Ann," Pietro stands beside Lily who's glaring viciously at him. "I didn't mean to scare you like that! Anthony is okay! Still with all his limb and handsome face!"

Inhaling a sharp but shaky breath, I threw the rest of the blanket off and rushed out of the door. My legs were unsteady, feet slamming against the cleansed floors. Lily and Pietro were behind me, in a hot spat.

"I can't believe you would tell her that," she hisses lowly. "Ann, you need to get back in bed!"

My unsteady legs were still motioning down the hallway passing by the workers; who's eyes kept sternly on me as they halted their tasks.

"I didn't think she would pass out!" Pietro said hastily.

"Ann! Ann!" Lily tugged against my wet shirt. "Let's get back to bed. The doctor said you need more rest. Lay down and I'll make you something to eat," Lily pleaded.

When I reach the downstairs living room with Lily's help, knowing that I refuse to go back to bed; I hear sweet waves of laughter. My head pokes inside to see Laura sitting on the couch with Kevin and Bruce on both of her sides. "This is so cool!" Bruce said, pointing at the book she was holding and Kevin nodded eagerly.

"Do you two want it?"

Kevin and Bruce look up and smile. "Yes! I will save enough money for it!" Kevin shouts.

"Me too! Me too!" Bruce raises his hand.

"Nonna can get it for both of you," that word itself stunned everyone. I never expect Laura to call herself grandma, particularly to my younger brothers.

Bruce shakes his head. "No, I want to buy it with my own money."

Kevin nods along. "Sorelle piu grandi and fratelli maggiori gave us enough," his Italian is getting better and better each day; to the point that it was getting scary.

"So, nonna hasn't been giving you two enough?" there's a hint of teasing in Laura's voice.

Quickly, Kevin and Bruce shake their heads and little hands. "No! No! Nonna gave Bruce a lot."

"Nonna loves Kevin and Bruce. We are happy that you are here," Kevin poured more butter into the platter. I want to applaud them; their kiss-up game is strong. It seems that out of all the boys, Kevin and Bruce are the closest to Laura. I'm not sure why, but they like being around her.

Laura smiled, once which I had never seen before. "You two are such good children," she said softly; patting their heads.

The door creaks open and Laura turns her head. "Sorelle piu grandi!" they shout, rushing towards Lily and me.

Bruce tugged on my shirt. "Are you okay? Lily said you weren't feeling well so you can't play with us."

I smile, running my fingers down his dark hair. "I'm fine Bruce. Just a bit of a cold."

Bruce takes off his jacket and hands it to me. I tilt my head in confusion until he began patting my cheek. "Owie. Owie. Go away," I look down to see blood on his jacket.

My left eye twitches and look at the mirror on the wall to see the claw marks on my cheeks. I noticed how there was blood on my nails.

"When is fratello maggiore Anthony coming home?" Kevin questioned, making me turn back towards him.

I gave him a light smile. "Soon." I hope. "Boys, why don't you go outside and play? I need to talk to your noona." I turned towards Lily and Pietro. "Can you take them out?"

After a brief moment, she nods and takes the boys out with Pietro behind me. Inhaling a sharp breath, I closed the door behind me while Laura set the book down on the table in front of her. Her sharp, blue eyes thrust towards me as she crossed one leg above the other. There wasn't a single sound in the air, except for the momentary interruption of a maid opening the door; probably to clean the room. However, as soon as she opens the door, she immediately closes it.

Laura grabbed the pack of cigarettes on the table and lit one between her lips. She exhales the smoke, allowing it to travel in the air. Her eyes were so similar, exact replicas of Anthony. "What is it?"

"May I sit?" I ask.

Her lip curled upward, but it wasn't a happy type of smile; rather mocking. "This is your home. I am merely a guest. Why are you asking me?" Even when she says that this is my house, it is clear as day that if a stranger enters, they would think she is the owner.

"Can you help me?"

Her back motion away from the couch and she presses the cigarette down the ashtray. "With what?"

"Help me to be more like you...to be a true Maranzano."


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