Chapter 7: True to my heart

Start from the beginning

"Oh my gosh me too! Ms. Copland is totally insane! I have so much homework!" I let out a breath knowing Abby was distracted for a moment.

I was lost in my own thoughts until Abby said something that caught my attention,

"You know the fall formal is in two weeks, I wonder if Wes will ask you?"

I suddenly wondered that too. I mulled over the thought before answering.

"Yeah me too."

"And you're okay with that? You aren't going to deny the sparks between you two?"

"Nope. I admit now that I really like him." I grinned at Abby, taking my eyes off the road for a second. But a second is all it takes. I looked back at the tree-lined highway to see a deer frozen in the middle.

"Watch out!" Abby screamed.

I jerked the wheel hard to the left, narrowly missing the deer but hitting a patch of black ice. I screamed as the car spun and slammed into the cement guardrail. I remembered watching the deer run away as everything faded to black.

I came too at the noise of screeching metal. I tried lifting my head but my vision swam with black dots and the pain almost put me out again. I slowly put my hand to my forehead and felt my fingers slick over something warm and wet. Wincing I pulled my hand away to find my fingers coated in crimson. What? Then I remembered the dear and the black ice. Spinning out and hitting the guardrail. Then black until now.

More metal groaned.

"Adelle! Adelle, please can you hear me?!"


Wes was here, it was going to be okay.

"Adelle!" His voice was desperate, hysteric almost.

"Wes," I managed to groan. "Help."

"Adelle love, please stay with me! I'm going to open the door, it's loose."

"Hurry," I whispered. Seeing black dots again, I was loosing blood fast.

The door finally opened and Wes knelt on the glass littered asphalt.

"It's going to be okay, I'm here, I have you."

He leaned across me and tried to undo the seat belt. Wes swore in Irish.

"It's jammed. I have to cut you out." Even as Wes spoke he was pulling out a pocket knife and working furiously on the belt. Finally it released me. I slumped forward into Wes's arms, groaning even as the pain is dulled by his touch.

Gingerly Wes lifted me from the car, laying me across his lap and ripping of his jacket he balled it up against my forehead. I whimpered at the pain.

"I know love but your losing too much blood, I need to apply pressure." Tears shone in his eyes as I shivered in his arms.

"Abby. You need to help Abby," I whispered urgently.


"Wes please!" Tears leaked from my eyes.

"Okay." Wes gently laid me on the ground before running to his car, retrieving a blanket then coming back wrapped it around me before helping Abby.

I heard the car moan as Wes opened the passenger door. I was shivering uncontrollably now, fighting to keep my eyes open.

Wes emerged carrying an unconscious Abby. In the distance I heard sirens. Good, an ambulance was on it's way. Wes laid Abby next to me and checked her pulse.

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