Kyoya Ootori x OC

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I was completely prepared to have a nice relaxing weekend on my parents' estate. After helping going to school and helping out the Host Club all week, I deserved it. I was going to read, study, go swimming, etcetera. Maybe even get a visit from my boyfriend Kyoya Ootori.

That's right. The 'Shadow King' is my boyfriend. We're actually betrothed. Our parents set it up when we were children considering the fact that our families do business together and we'd always gotten along.

My plans for the weekend were, unfortunately, ruined by a simple knock on the door. My family butler answered the door and standing there was the entire host club. They were brought to my room, and I immediately knew I was in trouble.

"Hey Shiina!" an overly excited Tamaki greeted.

"Hello Tamaki. Hey guys. So, what do you want?"

"Why do you assume we want something?" Kaoru asked.

"Yeah! Can't we just visit our friend because we miss her?" Hikaru finished.

"Not you guys. Excluding Haruhi and Kyoya." The rest of the guys pouted at this.

"Alright you got us," Tamaki admitted. "We want to give you a makeover!"

I gave them all a deadpan stare for a minute and then slammed my bedroom door in their faces. Or at least I tried to. Tamaki had his foot in the doorway, so the door couldn't close. 

"I won't be apart of this. My current look is fine and I have no need of your 'services'. Good day." My current look was mainly jeans, t-shirts, shorts, and sneakers. I was a bit of a tomboy. I hated wearing dresses and makeup, and I knew that the boys would force me to wear exactly that.

I attempted to close the door again, but the twins stopped me, "Please Shiina! It'll be fun! We promise!" the three responsible pleaded. Then they gave me the puppy eyes. I tried my hardest to resist, but to no avail. They were too good. 

"Ughhh! Fine! Don't make me regret this." They all cheered in triumph, besides Mori, Haruhi, and Kyoya. The twins dragged me out to the limo and sealed my fate whilst the others followed behind us. 

It didn't take very long for us to reach Tamaki's house, as that was where the makeover was taking place. The twins, once again, dragged me to our destination, which was a guest bedroom where I would be getting ready. 

"We brought over some of our mother's designs for you to wear," Hikaru  explained. 

"You can choose which outfit you like best, or the maids will do it for you," Kaoru finished. 

"Fine. But all of you need to leave the room so I can change." They quickly vacated the room and the maids stayed with me to oversee everything. To my horror, I finally noticed the outfits that were brought over. They were all dresses!

"I'm not wearing any of these. I hate dresses. It's not happening." The maids then looked at each other and nodded. One of them grabbed a dress, while the other started to undress me! Clothes were flying everywhere, and I was being forced into a dress. 

As well as forcing me into a dress, they also decided to do my hair and makeup! I kept shouting expletives which I'm sure the whole mansion could hear. The dress was a light pink with frills on the bottom. It was extremely short, had no sleeves, and made me look like a Barbie doll. They curled my dark blue hair and put pink lipstick and eyeshadow on me. 

When they were done torturing me, the maids pushed me into a sitting room where the Host Club were all waiting

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When they were done torturing me, the maids pushed me into a sitting room where the Host Club were all waiting. I glared at them, showing my obvious unhappiness. 

"You look..." I waited for it, "so CUTE!" Of course the ones who said that were none other than Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru. I was going to murder them. And they could tell what I wanted to do. They started running and I chased. 

(Third Person POV)

Unfortunately, Tamaki was unable to run fast enough to escape. When Shiina caught him, the twins were able to sneak away and escape from here wrath. 

"Hey Kyoya, what do you think of Shiina's makeover?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked in sync. 

"Well, I don't care what she wears," Kyoya explained. "I think she looks beautiful regardless of whether or not she wears a dress or a t-shirt and jeans." 

They could all agree on that. They continued to talk, all whilst ignoring the screams and cries of Tamaki getting the crap beaten out of him by an angry Shiina. 


Hello everyone! I apologize for this oneshot being so late. Testing and the end of the school year were incredibly awful and that is all I have to say on the matter. I am hoping to write a bit more this summer now that I have more free time. This was for eccyuk and I hope you enjoyed it. 


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