New School - Chapter 1

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I woke from my dreamy darkness to awake at the sight of my mother. I inhaled in shock and hope. "M-Mother?" I whispered. She then lifted her head only for the horrifying sight of her bloodied, eyeless face. I screamed then blacked out.

I jolted awake in a cold sweat, panting shakily in fear. I heard a knock on my door and jumped as I inhaled sharply in fear.

"Hey Tiger, time for your first- Tie what's wrong?!" My 2nd eldest brother Dewdrop asked worriedly as he came over to me. Dewdrop had shaggy black hair with a few streaks of blue. His skin tone was fairly tan, like all of us Diesels, and he had a tall lean build at 6'6". His almond shaped eyes were the lightest brown I've ever seen, almost hazel.

Dewy was 16, and dropped out of high school since there was no excitement. Also, he was very social, so he'd talk more in class than anyone else. He was pretty popular, but he didn't care when anyone made fun of him for being kinda poor.

I gulped down my fear and pushed down my tears. I'm not supposed to cry, and I intend to keep it that way. I nodded and smirked. "Of course I'm ok ding ding dick. Just cold." I said smoothly as I got up with only boxers on.

I know he could tell I was lying, but he played along. He smirked too and walked over to slap my ass, making me yelp and glare at him. "Well you're not gonna be ok when I give you a beat down if you call me that again." He stated seriously.

"Oh yeah? Prove it ding ding dick." I said challenging as I did the "Take the L" emote. "Aw now you're gonna get it!" He exclaimed than tackled me onto my bed. He put me in a chicken wing and tickled me. I laughed and begged for mercy.

"Hey! Dewdrop get off of him. He needs to get ready for school, and you and I need to get ready for work or we'll be late." I heard my oldest brother Rutus say as strict as ever. Dew got off of me and shrugged.

Rutty was 18. He was definitely smart enough to go to college, but he worked a full time day shift from 9 to 5, and a part time shift from 5 to 7. He worked all the time to keep us as well supported as possible so Dew and I didn't have to go back to foster homes.

He had a tall and muscular build at 6'8". He had a dark black pompador hairstyle, with blonde highlights. His features were hard and sharp. His almond shaped eyes were the darkest brown I've ever seen, almost black. Rutus would barely ever crack a grin unless Dew was messing with him. I wish that Rutty didn't hate me. He didn't before our parents died...

"Alright, well hurry up Tiger so we can drive you to school." Dew said. I cringed at the image of our rusty old light blue AMC Gremlin dropping me off at my new school.

"No thx guys. I'll skateboard there." I said nonchalantly as I buttoned my bleach blotted skinny jeans. "Alright. We're off. See ya little bro." Dew said grinning as he ruffled my messy spiked hair. "Hey!" I exclaimed as he chuckled and left with Rutus.

I quickly slipped on my Maroon 5 T-Shirt and bleach blotted jean jacket. I made the jean jacket a little while back so it had Transformers, FNAF, WOF, TMNT, and etc references and symbols all over it. I made sure my black, red tipped hair was spiked hair was combed and grabbed my bag. I put on my watch, my black dragon necklace, and grabbed my phone and earbuds as I ran to the kitchen.

I grabbed 4 mozzarella cheese sticks and a PB and cheese sandwich. I checked my watch and noticed it was 9 already! "Shit!" I exclaimed as I grabbed my skateboard and hurried down the road to school.

I got there in the nick of time and walked to class. "Mrs. Smith's, Mrs. Smith's." I muttered to myself as I walked towards the class. I took a deep breath and entered.



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A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry this chapter was so long, but I hope you enjoy it! Just as a side note, all the characters and places in the story are my real life except for Tiger, who is supposed to replace the real me, Dew and Rutus

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry this chapter was so long, but I hope you enjoy it! Just as a side note, all the characters and places in the story are my real life except for Tiger, who is supposed to replace the real me, Dew and Rutus. Thx so much for the support!

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