Marinette blushed profusely. "Y-yeah, well, it's too bad he was already forced to go with someone else. Sounds like he has tough parents."

Chloe, unfortunately, heard Marinette speaking and couldn't help but cackle. "Oh, please! I bet he just doesn't want to go with you! No one in their right mind would."

Marinette scowled. Alya spoke before she had a chance to even think. "I'm really sick of your bullshit, Chloe. You really need to fuck off."

"Ooh, bad words! I'm sooo scared! What are you going to do, video me to death? Please!"

"Why are you so mean, Chloe?" Marinette asked, annoyed.

"Mean? Oh honey, I'm not mean. I'm just stating the truth. And it hurts, doesn't it?" Chloe placed a hand on her hip.

"Sticks and stones hurt. Not your words." Marinette stated, folding her arms.

"Whatever. Plus, I bet the reason you won't talk about your dress is because it's crappy. Just like you."

"Chloe, that's enough." Adrien frowned at her.

"Adrikins, you shouldn't be defending her! I'M your girlfriend, not her." Chloe batted her eyelashes.

"Marinette's dress is not crappy. I bet it will look amazing."

"Adrien, don't fill this girl's head with such nonsense!" Chloe said.

"It's not nonsense. It's the truth."

The entire class was quiet as they watched the debate. The drama in this class was amazing.

"Why do you even put up with her, dude?" Nino asked, frustrated.

"Because, unlike all of you, I'm like him. Hot, cute, popular, rich, and destined for each other!" Chloe debated, flipping her blonde hair.

"I bet the only difference is that you're a horny bitch and he isn't. You know, I bet Adrien is still a pure virgin, unlike you." Alya said. Marinette knew Alya was capable of using foul language when she was angry, but it was kind of getting out of hand. However, she didn't want to ruffle her already ruffled feathers, so she kept quiet. She looked at the substitute, who clearly wasn't paying attention to what was going on. He was simply listening to music and scrolling through his social media.

Adrien turned red at her comment. Adrien was a virgin. Chat Noir, however, wasn't.

He could hear Plagg's faint laughter in his bag, and he kicked it to shut the kwami up.

"I am a virgin! I'm saving it for someone special!" The blonde demon pointed a finger at the secret hero. "I bet she's not! She probably lost it to that damned cat!"

"Please, Marinette is as pure and innocent as they come! She wouldn't lose her virginity to someone she doesn't know behind the mask. Right, Marinette?"

Marinette's eyes widened as the entire class' eyes were on her. Unfortunately, Alya was not right this time. She wasn't pure or innocent. In fact, she was the exact opposite of what Alya described. But she couldn't bring herself to say that. She didn't know what to say, either. The spotlight was on her, and if she didn't say anything soon, everyone would know the answer.

That last comment, about losing it to someone you don't really know, really got to her. It's true; she didn't know who Chat really was. She didn't know how old he was, if he goes to high school, nothing. It was bad that she was being interrogated at this very moment, but when the answers to what they're asking are unexpected.

You dummy! What are you doing? Say something!

"W-What?" Nice...

"You are still a virgin," Alya narrowed her eyes, "Right?"

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