After a boring lesson of maths, the first break came.
It was only 5 minutes long, so Isak decided to wait with the phone call.
He definitely wanted to call Even, but not now.
The break was over just as soon as came.
Two lessons of PE were awaiting Isak.
While walking to the gym that was a few meters away from the school building, Isak's phone buzzed.
They had a ''shut off your phone or it won't see the light of the day anytime soon" kind of rule, but literally nobody stuck to that rule.
Phones were buzzing left and right, people made phone calls during the break and live-streams during lessons.

After Isak had changed into his sports clothes, being a pair of black shorts from Adidas and a blue long-sleeved shirt from Nike, he went into the gym where the others were already stretching themselves.
He joined them before they all could do what they wanted for the first 25 minutes.
Isak decided to play football.
25 minutes passed and they all went back to doing whatever the theme of the lesson was.
His whole body hurt after Isak had made a few exercises at the horizontal bar, but he kept going.
He didn't notice that the next PE lesson had already started.

Right before the end, they all could do what they wanted once again.
Isak went back to playing football.
While he kicked the ball around, he heard steps behind him.
Isak turned around and there was Even, to his surprise.
The ball rolled away as Isak stood there.
Even's eyebrows went up before he walked to the boys' changing room.
Isak didn't hesitate to follow Even, even though he wasn't allowed to leave the gym yet.

The two were alone now.
"Halla", Isak said while he slightly closed the door behind him, still wanting to be able to hear the other students.
"Halla", Even responded.
Wasn't he sweating in his multiple layers? The room was warm after all.
"I'm happy that you're here", Isak said, a smile spread across his lips.
Even smiled, but something about his smile seemed different. It didn't reach his eyes.

"I came here because I wanted to talk with you about something", Even said before sighing.
Isak's smile faded. Anxiety started to hammer against his chest.
Did Even want to end the friendship with Isak? Was it because of something he had said?
Isak's bottom lip started trembling.
"Okay. But let us go somewhere else", Isak said and Even went outside, understanding that Isak wanted to change his clothes first.
After Isak had done that, he and Even walked out of the gym.

"Okay, what did you want to talk to me about?", Isak asked, his nervousness was killing him.
Even cleared his throat. Isak could tell that he was nervous as well.
"As you know I am pansexual. I don't know if you know what that means, so I'm going to explain it to you. Being pansexual means, that-", Even began, but Isak cut him off.
"That the gender of the person you fall in love with doesn't matter", Isak said.
Even's stressed facial expression changed to a relaxed one. Isak had taken time out of his day to educate himself on his sexual orientation.

"Yeah. And I'm very happy that we two are friends, but I want-", Even said, but a sneeze that he had kept inside for too long had to get out now.
"Bless you", Isak said, his bottom lip still didn't stop trembling.
"Thank you. Well, where was I? Umm, I want more than a friendship. And I'm not expecting you to say yes, I wanted to say it. So, that's off my chest now", Even said, heavily inhaling at the end of his sentence.

Isak was completely overwhelmed.
But not in a bad way, more in a positive way.
He looked at Even, who seemed more nervous than ever.
"I don't know what to say. I honestly wanted to tell you something, too", Isak said and Even's facial expression changed to stressed again.
"Okay, and what do you want to tell me?", he asked, looking at Isak.

It was now or never again.
Cold air filled Isak's lungs as he inhaled deeply.
"I like you, like a lot. And I didn't want to ruin things between us, that's why I didn't say anything yet. But since you kind of came to me first, I can say it more easily now. Even, I have feelings for you.
And yes, I know, I didn't know what these feelings were at first. I talked to Eskild about it yesterday and he advised me to give it some time until I say anything. But since, as I've already said, you came to me with it first, I can now finally confess my feelings for you.
Even Bech Næsheim, I love you more than anything and I've never loved a man so much before", Isak said, tears of relief started to run down his cheeks.

Even was speechless.
"Isak, I- I'm blown away. That was the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me", Even said and with that, he closed the gap between him and Isak and kissed the smaller Norwegian boy.
Isak's chest stopped hurting from the anxiety and his bottom lip finally calmed down.
The kiss was filled with passion, love and pure honesty.
After pulling away, Isak said: "I'm glad to have you, baby."
"I'm so glad that you saw me on my first day at work. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been this happy", Even said before he kissed Isak again.

Isak never wanted their kiss to end, afraid that Even was just an illusion of his mind that was just trying to push him down that deep hole of his depression again.
Isak hadn't been this happy in years. Even had managed to do what nobody managed to do.
He had pushed the dark clouds out of Isak's mind and made him see the sun again.
The two pulled away since they needed oxygen to breathe.
"I love you, but I have to go back to work now. I took a small break because I wanted to talk to you", Even said, giving Isak one last kiss before he slowly walked away.
"Thanks for telling me, I love you", Isak said, waving at Even before he disappeared around the corner of a house.

A happy sigh left Isak's chest.
He felt much, much better now.
Slowly, Isak came back into reality as his classmates walked passed him.
The 20-Minute break had started now and he saw his friends walking towards him from afar.

Fear started to flow through Isak's veins.
He wasn't ready to tell them anything yet.
Christ, he and Even just became official.
They didn't even know that Isak was gay for god's sake.

What was he supposed to do now?
Run away or stay here and lie?
Isak was indecisive, he didn't know what to do.
Should he just tell them, or just one at a time?

But who should he tell first?
Jonas, Mahdi or Magnus? Them all together?
Hell, too many decisions.
Faen, Isak had made so many decisions today, he could make one more.
Or could he?
He wasn't sure.

(Wortcount: 2000 words)

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