Chapter 5

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Leona POV

"I'm nervous!" I almost yelled making Esme and Carlisle chuckle.

"You'll be fine.. me and Jasper are going hunting." Alice says and I nodded as they made their way outside to leave.

"Remember please no tomatoes." I say to Esme as she nodded with a smile.

"No tomatoes.. now go you'll do fine." She says reassuring me while pushing me out to the car.

"Ok.. I'l go now." I say taking a long breath before getting in the car and driving to his house where I parked out front honking the car horn before getting out. Maybe a minute later he walks out and gives me a brilliant smile before walking towards me.

"Hey princess." I smiled at the nickname, I've been called that in the past but it was always in the wrong way. Referring how they all thought the life of a 'princess' but the way Shawn says it it's like.. like when you're ready to treat someone like royalty, with respect and love.

"Hi.. ready to go?" I ask him and he nods walking to the passenger seat before getting on with me.

"Please tell me you didn't eat." I say and he shook his head no.

"Good." I say smiling keeping my eyes on the road.

"So you're all vampires?" He asks while looking at me.

"Yeah.. Carlisle is like our father while Esme's our mother." I explain.

"And do you all got special powers other than immortality, strength and speed?" He asks as I glance at him.

"Well Edward can read minds while Alice can see the future and Jasper can feel and manipulate emotions." I say going back to the road.

"What about you?" He asked and I stay quiet.

"I have.. my ability is complicated but I guess you can say it's telekinesis." I say.

"What do you mean is complicated?" I give out a sigh before letting go of the wheel but it didn't move it stayed straight and I look at Shawn until it was time to turn and I turned the wheel with my mind going down the curvy road without a problem.

"Wha.." I hear him say.

"My ability is very dangerous and powerful giving that I don't even need to see my target. I could crush someone from the inside out, crush their organs or destroy a whole building if I'm not careful." I say before putting my hands back on the wheel and my eyes back on the road.. we're close.

"My family and me are different from other vampires, we call ourselves vegetarians because we only survive on animal blood instead of human blood.. it's.. hard. It's like a human only living on tofu.. it keeps you strong and healthy but you never really get satisfied no matter how much of it you eat." I say as we make it to the house.

"Are you all really a family or?" He asks.

"Well we're really a Coven which you can say it's like a clan of sorts but we like to think of each other like a real family." I answer as we got out of the car.

"Are you the youngest out of all of them?" He asks glancing at me and I nodded.

"I am. I'm only 84 and the newest edition to the family.. plus I look like a 17 year old girl like Edward." I say as I make my way to the front door.

"This house is beautiful." He says looking around making me giggle.

"This is the one place we don't have to hide from anything." I say taking the jacket off as he follows the movement leaving his jacket with mine.

"Come on." I say smiling at him and taking his hand leading him up the stairs.

"Take a whiff of that.. the human is here." I hear Rosalie say as we make our way to the kitchen.

"You said you'd give him a chance Rose." I say as we saw them in the kitchen.

"Shawn, we're making italiano for you." Esme says giving him a smile.

"Shawn this is Esme, our mother for all intents and purposes." I say pulling him inside with me.

"You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time." Carlisle says.

"I hope you're hungry." Esme says looking at Shawn.

"Yeah I am, someone didn't let me eat breakfast." Shawn says glancing at me as I smiled up at him. He was probably a good 6 foot 2 while I was only 5'2 not even with heels am I to be at his height.

"That's good." Esme says with a smile.

"Well, that's Carlisle our father, the one waving a knife like a maniac is Emmett." I hear Rosalie, Edward and Carlisle chuckle while Emmett says a 'Hey!'

"The beautiful blond is Rosalie, and well the last one is Edward." I say pointing at each of them as Alice jumps off a tree branch with Jasper behind her.

"Hi Shawn.. I'm Alice." Alice quickly comes to his side to give him a hug to which he returns not taken back at all.

"Oh, you do smell good." I blinked and looked at her.

"Alice what are you?" I start but she laughs.

"It's fine. Me and Shawn will be great friends." Alice says making me almost face palm.

"Sorry about that.. anyway this is Jasper. You'll have to forgive him he's still not used to this life style." I explain as Jasper gives him a curt nod.

"If you hurt her I will personally have your head." Is the only thing Jasper says making Rosalie smirk and nod as Shawn raises a brow at him.

"Well it's a good thing I don't plan to then." I felt like digging a hole and hiding.

"I'll give you a tour of the rest of the house before the food is ready." I say giving them a look before dragging him up the stairs with me.

"Are those graduation caps?" I hear Shaw ask and point at the wall as I giggle.

"Uh yeah.. it's an inside joke. We matriculate a lot." I say with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Come on." I say pulling on his arm gently not to hurt him and lead him to my room.

"This is my room." I say taking a seat on the bed.

"It's really pretty." He says looking around until his eyes land on the guitars.

"You play?" He asked and I smiled.

"Yeah." I say getting up and taking one in my hand as Esme walked in.

"We thought you'd like to eat up here with Leona." She says as Shawn smiled at her.

"You didn't have to, but thank you." He says and I felt Esme looking at me as I looked at Shawn before giving one last smile and walking out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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