Chapter 1

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Leona POV

I take a seat on my 6th period alone close to the window like always do. English was always one of my favorite classes but I completely dislike this teacher and the way he teaches. I hardly consider handing us books for us to read and hardly discussing what they are to the students who barely can read what it says. I don't complain about it much though it just means less work for me having read the book a million times with Edward already. But I still like to know what people now a days think about it.

As I'm reading a book that has nothing to do with this class that smell hits my nose again. My head rise to look at him as he walks in and I grip my book tightly trying to control my thirst. Useless seeing as the wonderful teacher found it as a sick joke for him to sit next to me. I feel him look at me as he takes a seat but I move slightly away from him and face the window trying my best to block out his scent.

Class dragged on forever and I could tell he wanted to speak to me but always decided against it thankfully. As soon as the bell rang I took my things and almost dashed out the door to the main office to change my class when I found myself face to face with Edward.

"Don't even bother they won't change us." He says with a growl taking my hand in his and dragging me away with him outside to where our siblings are by the cars.

"You ok? You look troubled." Rosalie came to my side giving me a side hug as I bury my face in her neck to inhale her scent.

"He's driving me insane.. I almost lost it." I mumble.

"He?" She asked pushing me away from her neck just to grip my shoulders.

"Her singer." Edward answers as I nodded.

"She has one too?" Emmett asks looking at me and I nodded.

"We'll have to talk to Carlisle about this." Rosalie says and I nodded as we all got in the car making it to the place we'd call home for now. We all pile down out of the cars and walked inside to see Carlisle and Esme smiling in the living room.

"Carlisle." Me and Edward say at the same time before looking at each other and I gave him a nod for him to continue.

"Can we talk to you for a minute?" Edward asks as Carlisle quickly nodded and lead the way to his office.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked as soon as he closed the door causing Edward and me to look at each other again.

"We need to get away for a few days." I say for the both of us.

"Away? Why?" Carlisle asked.

"We found our blood singers... and it's pretty hard to not want to attack and kill them when we haven't even hunted.." I say and Carlisle seem to understand.

"Alright." He said with a nod making me let out a sigh.

"Thank you." I say and look at Edward for him to nod and we made our way out of the house.

Shawn POV

Do I stink? No, I don't. I smell pretty good actually. Does she not like me? Is that why? But she doesn't even know me. I let a sigh out and kept glancing at her the whole class wanting to introduce myself to her but she didn't even spare me one glance. As soon as the bell rang she bolted out of the room and I was confused for as second before taking my things and trying to follow her just to see her face to face with Edward.

"Don't even bother they won't change us." He said in a growl before taking her hand harshly may I add and started to drag her away and just as he did so I see Bella storm out of the office. I follow her as we make it to the truck to see their cars gone.

"Hey.. you ok?" I ask Bella.

"He's so rude!" She says annoyed making me raise an eye brow.

"He wouldn't even look at me and covered his nose as if I stink or something and then he bolts out of the classroom, goes to the office to ask for a change of class." Bella ranted mad making me widen my eyes. How come the two of them did the same things? There's something weird here. I asked for the truck keys telling her she should take a breath while I drove us home.

Days had gone by and neither Edward or Leona had gone to school but things were getting weird. I caught the Cullen's eyes more than once, specially the blond girl's Rosalie as she glared at me more than Bella.. but why? What did I do? Finally one day after days without seeing her I saw her sitting in her chair looking out the window looking as perfect and beautiful as ever.

Leona POV

Edward and I made it back yesterday and Rosalie had given me the tightest hug ever. I didn't go to lunch with them today deciding to stay in the library reading yet another book until finally 6th period came. I could do this, I can handle it. He's just a boy.. a human boy.. who happens to have the greatest smell in the whole world.. Leona I know your name means lion but this is just too much! My eyes snap next to me as the chair next to me was pulled out just to see him taking a seat.

"Uh, hi." The words left my lips before I could stop them making him look at me.

"I'm Leona Hale.. I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to introduce myself last time I was here." I say looking in his eyes.

"I'm Shawn.. it's nice to meet you Leona." I was a bit taken back. Why? Because I was expecting him to ignore me like I did him last time, or make a rude comment but instead he was nice about it.

"You were gone." He said still looking at me.

"Uh yeah, I was out of town with Edward for a couple of days for.. personal reasons." I say before taking the book out of my back pack. Romance, I've always been a sucker for the books but I've never really thought about it for myself in a very long time.

"Personal reasons?" He asked curious but I just nodded.

"Yes... where are you from?" I ask trying to change the subject which thankfully he caught on and dropped it.

"Arizona, Phoenix but I was born here." He answers.

"Isn't there a lot of sun in Phoenix? Wouldn't you be tan?" I ask making him chuckle.

"It's weird isn't it? My skin never really tans so I stay pale." He says making me chuckle.. maybe he wasn't so bad.. but this was still a bad idea.

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