Aichi X Kourin: Dreams or Reality?

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Okay, so I am back after a long time. And yes, I still do watch Cardfight Vanguard. After watching Dimension 1 Episode 1, I found inspiration to write on AiKou and KaiSaki again. Since I wrote KaiSaki the last time, I'll be writing AiKou this time!

A bit Kourin-centric, but it is supposed to be about her in a way. Pardon me for the numerous cuts and the rushed quality of this one shot. I hope you like it!


“Great game, Kourin-san! Shall we play once more?”


Kourin blinked her eyes open, awakening from another one of those familiar dreams. She couldn't remember when these dreams involving Aichi Sendou start. She knew him, of course, but she couldn't see the connection between her and the champion of the Asian Cup. She remembered only watching him play bravely against many other strong players, with him rising to the top in the end. So why? Why did she have dreams of him and her in the famous Miyaji High School uniforms playing Vanguard in a room with 3 other people?

Has she met him somewhere besides the Asian Cup?

Kourin shook the thought out of her head. That would be impossible. Aichi Sendou hadn't participated in any international competition after the Asian Cup.

Brushing the thoughts she had stored in her head, she decided to continue with her day.


Aichi couldn't put his finger on it. Each time he watched a video of her, he felt this strange feeling in his heart.  It felt as though at some point in his life he had known her very well. They weren't close at all, heck they hadn't even talked to each other during the Asian Cup a few years back. It was somewhat a feeling the whole Miyaji Cardfight Club shared. It was like she was a part of the team, but when?

“Aichi, you've been watching that over and over. Are you sure you don't have an idol crush on her?” Misaki asked the bluenette who was staring blankly at the laptop screen watching the video. Upon hearing his name, his eyes diverted to his only female club member.

“I can't help it! It feels weird. It's like she fits perfectly into the role of our ‘fifth’ member, but when and how? I know you know what I'm talking about, right you guys?”

Aichi had a point. Everytime they would talk about the mysterious fifth member, their minds could only think of one person: Kourin Tatsunagi.

Misaki looked bothered and had averted her gaze from Aichi to the ground. Naoki and Shingo, who had been playing a game, had stopped and looked at Sendou bothered as well. They related to him, in a way, but at the same time not too obsessed with the thought. But they knew Aichi well enough that they'd know he couldn't let this go.

The room was silent for a moment before...

“Sendou...” Naoki was the first to break the silence, sympathizing with the bluenette. “You better be on to something.”


Running her fingers through her deck had always been one of the most satisfying things she's ever done. Looking at the cards and remembering the battles she'd fought using them was another. It was always something she'd do in her free time, aside from drink tea and read books. It was different this time though, she felt a different feeling instead.

She felt like she needed to remember something, but what?

She picked one card from her deck and flipped it. Incandescent Lion, Blond Ezel.

Her head throbbed as soon as she read the text. Suddenly, a scene- no, memories came back rushing in her mind.

“I will help Aichi no matter what!”

“Keep off him, Suiko.”

“I'll join the Cardfight Club.”

The cards, they told her what had happened. When she was a Called Walker. Breathing heavily, she dropped the card and collapsed on the coffee table moving the tea cup and shattering it. But Kourin didn't pay attention to it whatsoever.

“Miss Kourin! Is everything alright?” Her assistant slammed the door open upon hearing the tea cup shatter. However, Kourin could not be bothered by what she was thinking about right now.

“Please,” Kourin begged,“Take me to Card Capital, a card store around the downtown street of the prefecture.”


She reached the shop in time for the team to get there. To her surprise, they were already there. She could definitely tell from the glass windows that the bluenette she had been crushing on during her Walker days was present. Kourin took a deep breath, and exited the car with everything she had. Her heart was beating a million beats per second as she neared the automatic opening glass doors.

Soon, she was near enough that the doors could sense her, and they opened without a second even passing by. Everyone was in the shop, the whole Miyaji Cardfight Club had gathered in the shop.

But they didn't look shocked at all, like they knew exactly who she was to them. Like they were waiting for her arrival.

The first person who had approached her was none other than Aichi Sendou. He had a smile on his face, one that Kourin really needed to see. Soon, the rest of Miyaji's Cardfight Club had gathered in front of her with big, welcoming smiles.

“Welcome back, Kourin!” Aichi exclaimed with glee, before eloping the idol in a hug. Everyone else soon followed, which warmed Kourin's heart.

“Everyone,” She choked out, “It's great to be back.”

She heard the voice of a man ring into her ear one last time, and the picture of her avatar appeared in her head.

“If it hadn't been for Aichi Sendou, none of your friends would've remembered you. Be thankful.”

She was. She really was.

So did Kourin have PSYQualia or not? Meh, who'd know? xD

CARDFIGHT!! Vanguard Ships OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon