Chapter 19

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"Smokescreen must have been taken aboard the Decepticon warship," Ratchet told the others grimly as he turned. "Tracing his signal through its shielding will be impossible!"

I sat next to his helm and fiddled with my hands nervously. We both had figured that that was the case yesterday, but when he had begun searching for him, we had hoped that it wouldn't be true. All night Ratchet had been looking for him without rest, although he did finally force me to get some sleep. This morning I had insisted on staying home from school; there was no way I was going to be kept out of the loop about Smokescreen. Sure, he could be annoying and loud, but he was a good guy, and a great friend.

"Continue monitoring all frequencies, Ratchet," Optimus ordered after a pause. "Far more than Smokescreen's fate may be at stake."

Bulkhead turned to look at the doctor in confusion. "I still don't get it. How can Smoke be an Omega key?"

"Perhaps he isn't the key," Ratchet started.

"But it's container!" I finished for him. Last night we had already guessed that Smokescreen somehow held the key somewhere.

"The other Iacon relics were sent in pods," Arcee agreed. "Why not this one?"

"When the Decepticons stormed Iacon, it may have been too late for Alpha Trion to launch the final Omega key into space," Optimus explained. "At least by standard means."

Arcee caught on quickly, looking up at her leader as she spoke. "So Smokescreen assumed that everything went black because he was hit by Decepticons."

"But Alpha Trion's actually the one who turned out the kid's lights," Bulkhead surmised, finally understanding.

"It stands to reason that my mentor did not want Smokescreen to know what he was carrying," Optimus said, looking at the floor, "in the event of capture."

"And with a mobile relic, Alpha Trion could give specific coordinates," I joined in.

Bulkhead nodded. "So the big A slipped us a clue instead. Smoke's mugshot!"

"The Decepticons got to Smokescreen first," my guardian growled, glancing to the side. "I fear they have decoded the same clue."

"But... how would they get it out of Smokescreen?" I asked worriedly. "And do the Cons even know what they are taking?"

Each of their optics went downcast, save for Optimus, who only looked at me grimly. "We cannot rule out the possibility that they now know the origin of the keys."

After a pause, I turned my head to face my guardian. "And... my other question?"

He was silent for a moment, avoiding my gaze. "The Decepticons, especially Knockout, have never been known to be gentle."

My hand flew to my mouth to cover a small choke. Smokescreen was in deep trouble, and if the Decepticons got all four keys, then so were we.

"Ratchet, remain at the console and continue tracing Smokescreen's signal," Optimus said again. "The rest of us will devise a plan of rescue if we do uncover his whereabouts." With that he turned and began to make his way out of the main room. His latter words ushered for the other three Autobots to follow, leaving Ratchet and I alone to look for the captured one's signal.

Ratchet sighed and did as he was told, quickly turning to the monitor, and nearly sending me into the air in the process. He worked as quickly and efficiently as he could, even though we both knew it was near impossible to find him now. I saw several frequencies and wavelengths as they stumbled by, but none of them held what we were looking for. I could tell the medic was getting frustrated and panicked, but doing his best to keep that to himself.

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