I hate you

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I turn to walk away, but he puts a hand on my shoulder to stop me.  I smack his hand off.

"What do you want?" I demand, I want to see my son.

"Mmmmmm." He looks at me.

"What the hell do you want?" I poke him.

"Well, I actually need one thing."


"A person who can send me to Asgard."

"Was destroyed."

"That's what you think."

"No way."


"I hate you."

And with that, I walk off.

Heading back to the house, which was a little bit away. Why would Loki want to go back to Asguard? Wasn't it destroyed? What does he need? I walk through the mud, and open the house door.

"Hey Steve." I say, walking in.

"Hey, what did you need? Why did you leave? Are you ok?" He continues washing the dishes.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to see something, and yes, I'm ok." I respond, plopping on the couch.

"What did you need to see?" He comes over and sits next to me.

"Just wanted to see those footsteps, but I didn't find anything." I lean into him.

"Mmmmm 'Kay." He ruffles my hair.

"Where's Jay?" I ask, yawning.

"He's upstairs, his cakes in the oven, and I got him a present." Steve also yawns.

"Awwwww thank you!" I kiss his cheek, and you would never see anyone blush so hard ever.

"No problem." He leans onto my head, and we sit there like that until the oven beeps.

"I'll frost the cake, you wrap the present, ok?" I ask.

"Ok, don't eat all the frosting." He laughs and walks away.

That man can read my mind, that was exactly what I was going to do. I chuckle and stand up. While I frost the cake, I think. I do a lot of thinking. I already have a adopted son, and he's six, that means I should be..... 23..... yeah, in this realms years, I should be 23.

I'm kind of young. I think about a lot more things, Thanos, the snap, and all my friends, Hatter, who I don't know if he's alive anymore. Tony, who I haven't heard from, and same with Natasha and Clint.

I hope their all ok. I want to see them soon. I wonder about Rocket, the raccoon, and the kid- the spider-ling. What's it like in the soul realm? Can I bring them back?

"I have the present, I'll get Jay now." Steve comes up with a wrapped box, a horribly wrapped box.

"Ok." I responded, heading up the stairs to go and get Jay.

"Jay! Come downstairs, I have a surprise for you buddy!" I yell, and the six, soon to be seven year old pads downstairs.

"What? What?" He yells, bouncing, his chubbish face lighting up.

"Come and see!" I responded, waiting for him.

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