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"Ahhhh, the reason I came to earth!" The man, Loki, says. "Chaos! Adventure! Dragons!"

"Earth does not have dragons!"

"It doesn't have drag-"

He was so close to finishing but was stopped when, in fact, a dragon, came out of the portal.

"It does have dragons!" He squealed.  "It didn't last time I came here!"

Tony looked defeated.  And within seconds horrid.  The city was already on fire.  The ugly, horrific, dragon, had set buildings ablaze.



The city was in panic, people where running and screaming and crying.  And I think Clint peed his pants.

"Let's go!" I yelled, and we took off, running into buildings, pulling out people.

Black smoke filled my lungs, and rubbish was everywhere. Burnt wood and melted plastic.  Glass was shattered and toys where strewn about.  It had on been five minutes.

The dragon, was on it's way downtown. And made things worse. I mean, what could be much worse then half the universe gone? Well, half the universe gone and a giant dragon trying to destroy the worlds. That's what's worse.

"Wha-what should we do?" A voice yelled through the comms.

"Save people! Cheshire, capsicle, come help me with the dragon!" Tony, I assumed, yelled.

"Ok, where are you?" I asked, wheezing for air.

"By-by my tower!" He yelled back.

"Ok! Steve? You there?" I cry out.

"I can't come! Try Clint!" He yelled back.

Clint didn't answer his comm, and Natasha wasn't within range. He grabbed Rocket, and went to find the dragon.

"Where is it?!" I screeched!

"Wait? Where is Loki?" Tony yelled into the comms.

A few people answered but they didn't know. In the distance a building fell, and Tony flew towards it.

"I'm heading in, Chess, raccoon, follow me!"


I rolled my eyes, and ran after Tony, who, may I add, was flying very fast.

We watched in horror, as Stark towers fell to the ground, along with an apartment. But we couldn't stop, not now. I ran at the Dragon, who most likely destroyed Wonderland, my only home, and tears filled my eyes. The dragon who had probably killed so many.


"Mama!" A young Cheshire squealed.

But the woman did not answer. And little did the young Cheshire know, she would never answer again.



She let out a cry. She was alone. And for sure, she would die that way. She had listened to the mean kids and thought they were right.

"Please.. don't leave me..." Her voice trailed off, and she let out a sob.



No. I am not alone. I have Tony, and Natasha, and Clint, and Rocket, and Steve. I am not alone. I will never be. And right now hope is lost. But I will find it.

I am not alone
I am not alone
I am not alone

I kept repeating in my head, hoping it would stay there. Those kids where wrong, I am going to prove them wrong. I will.

(A/N: almost to 1,000 words like I promised! At 500)

"What's the plan Stan?" I ask.

"Mmmmmmm" Tony mumbled.

"Who's Stan?" Rocket asked.

A little old man poked his head out of a window, grey hair.

"Hey! I'm trying to sleep! Is that Tony Stank? Tell em to stop all the ruckus!" The man yelled.

I looked at Tony, who didn't hear the man.

"Don't make me come over there you punk!" He yelled.

The man must've somehow not known what was going on, because he shut his window and walked away. He looked like a Stan for some reason.....

"Ok!" Tony yelled, hopefully he had a good plan.

"What?" Rocket demanded.

"You! Cheshire and Rocket! Make sure he keeps looking down!"

Rocket and I didn't argue, Tony had a plan, so it had to be good.

"Shoot his feet." I told Rocket.


Rocket shot the dragons feet, and I kicked its legs. I kept getting it to stomp around. He (yes, it is a he, I made the regrettable decision to look up whilst running underneath it) the dragon, stepped on my tail, jerking me back.

The dragon let out an agonizing screech and stumbled backwards onto me, I tripped him and he fell.

Things went black, but soon, I saw a light, and reached for it.

I finally got out from underneath the dragons hand, which was huge. Looking around I saw nothing but destruction and chaos. And death. The stench of death filled the air, a horrible smell really.

Where was Tony and Rocket? Was Steve and Natasha ok? What about Clint? No, stop, they're fine, Chess, you have to make sure this dragon is dead, then go help people.

I crawled out and saw it. A hole where the eye of the dragon once was. And someone laying next to it.


~~~| Skip |~~~

After much pain, the dragon was dead.  Tony almost was, and we didn't know where Steve was.  2,301 had died in the attack. And 1,207 where missing.  Rescue teams where searching along with Rocket and Natasha.  Clint and I where waiting with Tony. 

It was later by the time we found a place to put him, a small house in the country.  I sent Natasha, Rocket, and Steve the information on where we were.

"Help me bring him to the couch." I say, pulling Tony.

Clint grabs his feet, and Tony instantly becomes lighter.  We lay him onto the couch.

"Let's look around for medical supplies." Clint suggests and I nod in agreement.

We search the house, it has a decent basement, which is very large.  Three bedrooms and four bathrooms. Five closets. And a large kitchen.  It also had an attic, with camping things and in the back a large garden. 

"It's good here, did ya find anything?" I ask, plopping down onto the couch.

"Yeah, this first aid kit and a few other things." Clint puts down the kit.

"SHEILD must have trained you to do this stuff."

"Yeah they did, now come and help me."

I did it at last!! 1,000+ words!! I'm sorry about not being able to update soon enough.  And I'm still open to requests. 

Word count: 1,043

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