15 Titan

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Please.... don't hate me.

"Done!" Bruce yelled from the other room.

I ran in. I had been helping him for the past month, trying the ship out.

"Let's go get Peter and Tony!" I squealed, not knowing the dark truth.

10 minutes later

We had everything. A team, food, water, clothes. We where about to leave.

We where bringing:

I was excited. The four of us piled onto the ship, and sat down.

"3...." Bruce said.

"2...." Rocket yelled.


We where off. The sound of the engines motivated me. And Steve was smiling like the idiot he was. Rocket laughed, as if he thought we weren't really doing this.

"We can see Gamora, and Mantis, and Drax, and God even Peter!" He informed us, excited.

"Yeah, and the other Peter and Tony!" Steve smiled.

Then, we got into the outer space for real now.

6 months later

The alarms where going off.  We had hit a planet.  It was small, and not in our course, so that wasn't planned.  Red lights flashed everywhere and the deafening alarms pierced the thin air.

Steve and Rocket were finding the hole in the ship, and Bruce was rounding up the supplies, incase we had to take the much smaller ship.

I was pulling levers and pushing buttons, trying to stop the alarms and lights.  I smacked a blue button and pushed a grey lever, and the flashing lights turned off.  I knew Banner would be less stressed.  I pulled and pushed more, until the alarms died down, and came to a stop.

I walked into the other room, and helped Bruce.

"Guys..." Rocket said.

"I think we're here."  He finished.

10 minutes later

We where here.  After all that traveling, we had finally made it.  I stepped out first, onto the barren and destroyed planet, searching for a life form. 

"Hello?!" I called out.

"H-hello?" A frantic voice called back.

Tony.  He sounded sad and tired.

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