Chapter 7: The Friends We Can't Lose

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My dear little broccolis💚💚💚

💚 Sooooooo I just realised, it's been two years since I updated, and I am so so so so sorry. I hate it when it happens to me, and I feel terrible that I made you endure that. And I will be honest, I am scared to go back to my other stories now (but I will don't worry!). My life has been terrible for the past three years, and now that I am taking back the control of it, I hope that you won't judge me too harshly for that little abandon I imposed on you.

💚Some people asked about the length of this story, and I cannot tell you. I know it will be shorter than the others, but I am terrible at giving real length, so ... SURPRISE, haha

💚 Also, could you guys do me a favour? So many of you probably know that I am writing my own book. But guess what, it is available now on Amazon, both ebook and paperback. It would mean the world to me if you checked that out, and left a review there as well about the book, because you know I like reviews, haha.

💚 Anyway, enough chitchat, I will let you read this LONG overdue update, and will impatiently wait to read your thoughts on it.

Love, Mina💚💚💚


Chapter 7: The Friends We Can't Lose (5,9K)

.~°~. .~°~. .~°~.

Clary's PoV.


Mistress. Such a simple word that had such a terrible meaning.

Never before had Clary lingered on the power of words. sure she knew not to say things out of anger so she wouldn't hurt people, but she had always thought it was because of the emotions she had at that moment, not because of the words themselves. And yet, that one little word, with its eight little letters was so powerful.

.~°~. .~°~. .~°~.

As the weeks passed by and turned into months, Clary found herself falling into a routine she liked. She had thought that living on her own would be difficult and even scary for her, but she realised that she liked this new form of independence. Not that she had been restrained whilst living with her brother, but it was a different thing altogether to live on her own. Sure, she had more bills to pay, and there were a few moments of loneliness, but she didn't complain about that.

Jon as well had gotten used to the fact that they were no longer living together, though it was mostly due to the fact that he had bigger issues to deal with. Izzy's pregnancy was proving to be more difficult than anticipated. She was visibly losing weight, no matter how dedicated she was to eat. But that wasn't the most alarming thing, she still occasionally bled, which scared Izzy each and every time, to the point of tears.

Though they had always gotten along, Clary knew that Izzy and she weren't close enough to be called best friends, or even good friends. And still, Izzy confided in Clary a lot of her worries and fears. They started texting each other a lot, making Clary realise that bit by bit, Izzy was falling into depression. She was not only scared of losing her baby, but she was also scared of losing Jon in the process as well.

Clary always did her best to reassure her brother's fiancée, and she knew that Jon was doing just as much from his side, but the thoughts kept on haunting Izzy nonetheless. All Clary could do was listen to the brunette, and try to be there for her when she needed.

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