6: 'Leave The Guilt To Me'

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My dear little broccolis💚💚💚

~ Hey! You're not dreaming! This is really an update. Long overdue, but here it is. I Truly hope that you will like it! I know that some typos will be there, but I am so excited for you to read it.

~ And guys, ii have this new Story I am working on, called Second Chances. it would mean the world to me if you chekced it out and commented on it, as well as recommended it. I promise, you will love it.

~ Anyway, enough chitchat, I will let you read this long overdue update, and will impatiently wait to read your thoughts on it.

Love, Mina💚💚💚


Chapter 6: 'Leave The Guilt To Me' (6,5K)

.~°~. .~°~. .~°~.


Stone Cold — Demi Lovato

Not Afraid Anymore - Halsey

Together Again - Evanescence

Free Me - Sia

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Clary's PoV.


Guilt. Guilt had always been something that Clary considered as a weapon used by people to make others bend their way. She had always been a person prone to feel guilty when the right words were used against her, especially when she was younger. With guilt, one could easily get what they wanted out of another person, and Thiais was why Clary always did her best to stay in the lines of right, so no one could ever try to make her feel guilty.

.~°~. .~°~. .~°~.

When Clary's brain emerged from slumber, her first move was to roll on the side and will it back to sleep. She didn't want to get up just yet and just wanted to enjoy the warmth of the bed a few more moments. Still, after a few more moments of simple and harmless bliss, her mind started working and the first concrete thought that came to her was: where was Jace. He obviously wasn't in bed with her, because for the couple of times that they shared a bed, Clary could attest of one thing, Jace was so warm that he would irradiate the bed with his heat.

With all the efforts of the world, she opened her eyes, blinking at the sunlight trying to blind her; and she spotted Jace smoking on the balcony. His arms were resting on the balustrade, his eyes lost into space. If Clary should define this moment and pose, she would use the words, James Bond. At this right moment, Jace reminded her of a James Bond movie.

Still, she rolled back to the bed, throwing the cover over her face to hide away from the light, all the while thinking that of all the men on the planet, she had to get stuck with a smoker. This wasn't the first time that she was seeing smoke, and he did it so thoughtlessly that she assumed that it was something natural, and therefore rooted in him.

But instead of lingering on how she never liked smokers, she rather think of what Jace had told her the night before, between two forbidden kisses. "Leave the guilt to me." She wasn't going to lie to herself. This idea that she could simply not feel guilty all the time, that she could put all the blame on him was really appealing. She even thought that it was what would make this relationship work. Maybe if she acted as if nothing and let Jace handle all the negative emotions that could come out of this relationship, maybe she could put her morals aside and enjoy what she could of this ... affair.

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