Chapter 4: He Was a Roger

Start from the beginning

It felt good having her around, she reminded me of Lily so much.

"Alright, well help us with these knives and we'll go collect more." I said grabbing more and tossing them into the cart.

I looked at Lincoln "Have you had any dreams lately of Michael or Lily?" I asked worriedly.

His eyes catching mine before he shook his head, "I already told you Anne, if I do I'll let you know. I promised." He said giving me a small bump with his shoulder.


'If you want to ask, just ask. I'll tell you how we are.'

You're not my Michael.

'Oh but I am, she's okay. Don't worry. They're actually feeding on her as we speak.'

Lincoln, Kora and I finished getting the rest of the ammo while I ignored Michael. We even bought the crossbows, bows and every available axe.

Four carts full of weaponry, and as we pulled to the front, Roger smiled.

I smiled sheepishly, "We might be here for a while." I said eyeing the carts.

Roger smirked, "Sounds like a dream come true, Anne." He began ringing the items as I placed them on the counter, every once in a while staring over and giving me a flirtatious smile.

"You guys starting a war?" He asked laughing as he continued ringing it all up.

The words slipped my lips quick, before I could think of a joke, "No, we're ending one." I heard the cold tone in my own words, the darkness that laid inside them.

Lincoln laughed and looked to the cashier, "Dark humor. She's just a little weird. We're actually part of a larger group, we're all going boar hunting." He said smiling to Roger.

I eyed Lincoln before I smiled at Roger, "Can't get enough of boar hunting!" I said faking a smile.

Kora looked around "Where's Roxy?" She asked thoughtfully.

"Check the bathrooms. I'm sure she's in there with-" I looked to Roger "You have any other good looking guys working today?" I asked watching him look around "Timothy." He said confused.

I nodded "She's with Timbo in the handicap stall." I said gesturing for Kora to go get her.

She seemed confused too but went off to go check.

Ten minutes later, out came Roxy with...oh look it's Timothy.

I smirked and Roger eyed me laughing lightly, "Your sister?" He asked receiving a quick "No way, just a pain in the ass." I said.

Lincoln laughed and pushed the first cart to the other side as he put the bags in the cart.

Roxy helped move all the things to the checkout counter.

We got stuck together, there was thirteen teams sent to go run tasks. I was with them to get weaponry and ammo from every shop in town. This was our seventeenth store and I have no idea how Jolene still has money on her card.

She said something about how I shouldn't worry because the moneys for this exact moment. Something about saving money for centuries.

After we paid and left to the truck, I watched Delora run from the burger joint to us.

Getting in the passenger side, I grabbed two burgers from the box and Delora settled between Kora and Roxy.

Unwrapping the burger I handed it to Lincoln and he gave me a wink before taking a bite and backing out the parking lot. "Two more stores and we can head home. My feet ache." Delora said sighing.

Kora leaned forward placing a bag of fries onto Lincoln's lap.

He smiled and then focused back on the directions.

I looked over at Kora and watched her eyes trained on Lincoln, she always looked at him like that. As if he was the man who could solve every problem and bring peace to the world.

Taking a bite of my burger, I watched the street lights go from yellow to red. "What about you Roxy? You tired? That's what? Ten men today?" I asked watching her flip me off.

Right back atcha.

She left Koda after Petra's death, something about not knowing how to handle that crap.

I stared at Lincoln and watched him smile at me before turning away.

He's always going to be a good guy.


"Alright so that's every store in town. I hope it's enough." Annalise said as she eyed the bags in the girls laps.

They all gave her annoyed looks and she smirked at them.

We had plenty, in fact the entire trunk is filled with an immense amount of weapons and ammo.

Anne laughed, pulling at my heart before she faced forward.

She has no idea and it fucking kills me not telling her.

I just know that she's motivated, she's strong and she's the exact Anne that we need to make this happen.

I've loved her for years, since the day I realized what love was, that's how long I've loved her.

Lying to her, keeping this from her just felt so wrong but I knew I had to.

The nightmare, watching as Lilith was beat, the way they took advantage of her, they fed from her, turned her to a vamphore and now she's meant to marry Verin.

I could never tell her, I could never tell her the monster Michaels become either.

She'd spiral down, she'd lose it.

Then what will she do when she finds out the outcome of this war? I've seen it, and I know exactly how it ends.

I've loved Anne longer than any of these guys in her life ever could've, I love her more than they'll ever be able to.

I can't help but wonder if her death will truly awaken Israfel, if them slitting her open and draining her blood will truly bring him back to life. According to my nightmare, it will.

All I know is that she needs to stay far away from Michael, far from the werewolves too.

Far, far from the wolves.

Staring over at her, she was smiling at whatever Delora said. My mind telling me two things:

1. I need to kill Michael Nysrough
2. Anne will die in this war.

Her face changed and I watched her shut her eyes and purse her lips. She's done that a lot lately, I can hear her telling him to shut up. I hear her telling him to leave her alone and go away.

She still has him in there, everything we tell her, he knows.

I wonder if that's occurred to her yet, that every bit of important information in this war is exposed if she knows.

Maybe he's already told her about Lily, maybe she knows he's a monster.


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