Ch.24 The End?

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*Ben's Pov*

"Hey Justin" I said as I walked in with Lysander. I couldn't help but to look forward to coming. I love Justin but he has a boyfriend and I have to respect that

"Hey Benny" he grinned at me

"Don't call me that" I groaned

"You love it" I rolled my eyes but secretly I did love it when he calls me that. I make me feel special to him in a way

"Where's Alex?"

"He's in the baby room"

"Baby room?"

"We turned our second guest room into baby room for all the diapers ,wipes, toys and the other baby stuff"

"Ohhh. Convenient"

Justin led me upstairs and showed me the baby room. Alex was in a play pen stacking up building blocks. I don't get how a two day old baby can be smart enough to figure that out already. All I did my first three months of birth was cry and poop

"Here he is"

I put Lysander in the pen with Alex and they crawled around playing some sort of baby tag like game. I don't understand how they understand they're friends. The only seen each other once before and that was when they born

"They're so cute. They both have most of your features"

"Lysander looks more like you though. It's what makes him perfect"

I don't know what to say to that. I think he just indirectly called me perfect

"I guess" I said awkwardly

"So. Whatcha wanna do?"

"I don't know. We could watch a movie on TV or something"

"Sure. My mom's home and she can keep an eye on the kids for a while" Justin walked off to go tell his mom of plans we just made

I quickly fixed my hair and made sure I looked okay

I wonder where all of this is coming from. Maybe he's trying to test me to see if I can resist him

If that's what he's playing at I might as play along. I'll be queen in his castle. But I get to move where every I want and destroy which ever pieces come in my way. Checkmate Justin

"My mom said yes. To the living room and beyond" I chuckled at the cute joke

"Whatever" Justin practically dragged me down the stairs into his living room

We got comfy on the couche under a big fluffy blanket

"Let's watch Frozen!"

"Really? A Disney movie?"

"It's going to be awesome!"

"Fine" I love being around the childish Justin. He can just let loose and be himself no matter how weird he gets

The movie is actually pretty good. I like the part when Elsa makes the ice castle and starts singing let it go

Justin leaned closer to me and I let myself fall into his chest gently. He put his arms around me in a comforting way that made me melt in his arms

I looked at him to see him so focused on the movie that it was hilarious. I let out a small giggle that made him look down at me

We just stared into each others eyes mindlessly. I inched my face closer to his and eventually we were caught in a captivating kiss

I lost myself in him feeling him and him only

I had to pull away. He has a boyfriend and I don't want to mess up that happiness for him

"I'm sorry" I said as I pulled away

"For what?" What type of question is that? I just kissed him when he's in a relationship

"For kissing you"

"But I liked it"


"Ben. I. Like. You"

"What about your boyfriend?"

"We broke up" I could see he was hurt. I bet he did something to hurt a Justin

"What did he do?

"He cheated on me with someone else and then broke up with me"

"I'm so sorry" I hugged him knowing that must have been painful

"It's fine. It lead me closer to you anyway" he gave me a kind smile and I returned it

"What at you asking of me?"

"Ben. Will you finally after all these years go out with me?"


Me: This is it. I'll miss you guys *cries and pulls Ben and Justin into a group hug*

Ben: I'm scared *whispers to Justin*

Justin: Me too *whispers back*

Bye forever guys! Unless I write a sequel. I'll think about it

~ T

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