Ch.21 Relationship Upgrade

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*Derek's Pov*

"Go in my closet!" I whisper shouted to Ron. My dad can't see him here. He'll ask too many questions that I won't be able to answer truthfully

Ron hid in my closet only in his underwear and I tossed his clothes in there with him

I threw on a shirt and reopened my homework. My dad walked in my room

"Hey dad"

"Hi Derek. Just came to check up on you and make sure you're actually were doing your homework"

"I am. Bye"

"What's the rush? Can't a father have a good natured conversation with his son?"


"Fine. I'll leave your room then" he was about to leave but I heard Ron sneeze in the closet "What was that?"

"I sneezed"

"That doesn't sound like you sneezing. You sound like a retarded cat when you sneeze"


"It's true. I think the sound came from your closet"  please don't check the closet! What ever you do don't check the closet

And he checks the closet

" Derek? Who is this young man?"

"Friend of mine"

"Why is he half naked?"

"Ummm. It was a dare. He's suppose to hide in my closet and jump out when you were about to leave to scare you. He apparently isn't capable of doing that"

"Okay? I'm just going to act like I didn't try to understand a teenager and watch the game in my room"

He finally left my room. I let out a long sigh

"That was close. " I said to Ron

"Doesn't your dad know you're gay?" Ron asked confused

"No. He's kind of homophobic and has been telling me to avoid gay people at all costs because they're evil or something. It's a little ironic if you think about it" I gave him a little sad smile

"Oh. I'm sorry" he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a comforting hug

"It's fine. I don't care anyway"

*Ron's Pov (This is the first one!)*

I know he does care. I wish there is something I can do to help

I have been waiting forever to be with him and the fact I'm this close is shocking. The closest I thought I could ever get to him was as the friend that he doesn't really care about but does his homework for him

I love him so much that it hurts. He's so close to being mine

"Are we officially dating?" I need to know if he actually cares about me or if I'm just a fling he has every now and then

"Not publicly. I still kind of have a relationship with someone else" I frowned at that. If I've only gotten to him first we could be together

"Do you actually like me?" I have to know. I'm not going to encourage my love for him any longer if he doesn't actually have feelings for me

"Ya. There is something special about you that attracts me"



"Maybe really can be are always"

"I'm not doing any Fault in Our Stars stuff with you"

"But the book is amazing" it would be really cute if we did do that"(━┳━◇━┳━)



"It's getting late. Do you want me to drop you home now?"

I want to stay with him. I know I should leave but I don't know when I'll get another like this chance to be with him

"Okay" I said trying to hide the fact I want to stay

"You don't have to leave now. It's just an option. I want you to stay"

He wants me to stay!!!!!!!!!! Yesssss!!!!

"Well since you want me to. I could stay a little longer"

"Whatever dude" He rolled his eyes at me but was still smiling

He got on his bed and I got in with him and he wrapped his arms around me in cuddle position. I love being held like this

I closed my eyes and fell sleep in his arms. If there is such things as fairy tales I think I was just in one


Me: "Ron looks so cute when he sleeps"

Derek: "Shhh! You're going to wake him up"

Me: "Sorry. Let me just take a few quick pictures" *takes 40 pictures*

Derek: "If I could move right now I'd punch you"

Me: "Hmmm. Since you can't move I'll take this to my advantage" *laughs evilly*

Derek: "What is your creepy ass planning"

Me: "This" *kisses Derek forcefully*

Derek: "That's considered rape"

Me: "You say it like you're the only person I've done this to" *leaves through the window*

Derek: "My house needs a better security system"

~Love T

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