Ch.18 Baby Daddy Revealed?

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*Jasmine's Pov*

Over the past month things have changed a lot

Justin's stomach has blown up like a balloon and so he has school off for three months after so much explaining to the principal

Luckily word about this hasn't gone out yet. Hopefully no one will know about it

When people ask about the baby we'll just say that our mom adopted a kid that looks like Justin or something

Justin is remembering things more and more each day and we might be able to find out who the father is soon. My mom is dying to know who and I'm a bit curious too

I'd probably kick the guy in the nuts so hard that he'll never get anyone pregnant ever again

I haven't seen Ben around here since he was waiting for Justin for about four hours

Maybe he's the father. I have a feeling that something was going on between them

I'm going to drive over to his house and find out

I sauntered out of my house and into my car and made it to Ben's house in record time

If he's the father I'm going to be a bit happy that it's him over some sleaze bag but disappointed he didn't use protection

I knocked at the door and his mom opened it

"Hello Jasmine. How are you?"

"I'm fine. I came by to talk to Ben about something it you wouldn't mind"

"Not at all. Come in" I walked into the house and found the door that said Ben's Room. Beware

Barged in to make more of an entrance but I caught him staying intensely at a picture of Justin while rubbing his you know ruffly

I covered my eyes and he threw a blanket over himself when he noticed me

"What are you doing here?!" He practically screamed

"I had something to ask you but you seem... busy right now" at least I know he likes Justin for sure

"Can you give me a moment to you know. Cover up"

"Sure" I stepped out of his room and came back in after he gave me the okay

"What did you want to talk about?"

"How are things between you and Justin? You guys haven't talked to each other in such a long time"his face flashed a gloomy look but he did his best to hide it

"We're taking a break from each other for a while"

"We both know that's not the real reason. What's going on between you two?"

"Nothing" Why are boys so stubborn?

"I know there was something going on between you two. I'm giving you the opportunity to explain yourself before I get annoyed and start beating a bitch"

"Justin and I messed around a few times and now he has someone else. Was that what you were looking for?"

"Not really. By messed around do you mean you guys had sex with each other or just some other weird things that I wouldn't want to know"

"Both" That's gross. Imagining my brother having sex is just terrifying

"Did you guys use protection?"

"No..." I'm dealing with idiots. Does anyone other than me actually pay attention in Sex Ed?

"You need to take responsibility for the baby"

"Obviously. I'm the one with it"

"Wait what?!!"

"Are we talking about the same thing here?"

"I'm talking about Justin being pregnant"

"Justin's pregnant?!" I probably should have been a little more tactful about hiding that

"What were you talking about?"

"I'm pregnant" oh my God. There's going to be two babies that Justin's responsible for. Also the fact that Justin topped and bottomed is weird

"What's with all these pregnant men!"

"Who's the father for Justin's baby?"

"We don't know yet?"

"I bet it's the guy Justin left me for. I think his name is Derek"

"Justin's boyfriend. Of course." I've been stressing over trying to find some stranger that knocked Justin up I never looked at the guy that's been with us the whole time. "I'm going to find him at school tomorrow and kick his ass"


Me: I must warn Derek and protect him from getting hurt by that monster *runs to Derek's house. Trips on a stick*

Jasmine: Dumb ass

~Love T

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