Chapter 8

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Kagome was in a pretty decent mood. The day was fair; the sun high above thick, illustrious clouds. The trees were in full bloom, green and replete with life and zest.

Inuyasha was still at home. He had not run away, not since last week. And her pregnancy was going well, with no signs of morning sickness ever plaguing her.

Yes, despite her sad, depressing and rather morbid position, Kagome was in high spirits.

Her dear friend, Rin, was not.

The girl had not yet gotten over Sesshomaru's departure and no matter how often the likes of Kaede or even Kohaku inquired about how she faired, Rin remained silent as she had been when she was younger.

Kagome carried a basket of fish she sought out earlier that morning. Inuyasha used to help her fish, but since he was rather incapacitated, at the moment, knocked out in his room, Kagome chose to get the food on her own. It wasn't a hard task anyway. All she needed was a net to catch about two trout and she was good to go. She intended to prepare some grilled fish for Inuyasha, something he had not had the pleasure of eating yet. She wanted to feed him well enough to remember, at least from this moment on, that she was a great cook. Having a husband like Inuyasha required that she be one. He had such refined taste.

She made her way to her house and prepared the food with some salts and spices to keep it nice and fresh until she returned from her time with Rin. Once she was finished, she left the house, checking in on Inuyasha's comatose form on his mat. Her husband was so sleepy, he seemed oblivious to the snores escaping his mouth. She regarded him with a smile and moved swiftly through the hall without a sound.

The walk was not very long to Kaede's home since they lived so close to one another. Kagome had wanted to stay close to the old woman. It allowed her to learn all that she needed toward becoming a competent priestess and healer. When she arrived, Kaede was tending to a brown haired child who had fallen on his knees. He had a large cut scraped against his skin. At the sight, Kagome's eyes widened and she rushed over to the boy with alacrity.

Kaede acknowledged her approaching form, as did the boy. He knew Kagome, as did all the village youth, since she helped them with menial tasks, including reading and writing.

He perked up at the sight of her and said, "Kagome!"

She knelt before him and picked out a salve she held within her bag. "Hi there, Ikuto. What happened to you?"

He spoke with the excitement that came from any hyperactive seven year old boy. "I was helping father pick out some grains, and I didn't see a vine on the floor, so when I went to walk past it, I tripped and hurt my knee with a rock that sat next to it. It was sharp, like a dagger, and it really, really h-hurt." He ended that with a soft whimper. His lips quivered, and his eyes filled with water.

Kagome rubbed his shoulder. The boy was so adorable, she nearly awww'd. If she had a son, then he would surely be this adorable. With his father's temper and looks, the boy would be the cutest creature in all the world. Her heart warmed at the idea and she kept the feeling close.

"Oh, Ikuto. Don't worry. We'll have you fixed in no time. Right, Kaede?"


Ikuto immediately perked up and began swinging his legs. The salve Kaede applied to him was already showing its effects.

Kagome bandaged him and sent him on his way. He limped toward his family, with a grin plastered on his lips. With that done, Kagome turned to Kaede. "So how's Rin?"

Kaede shook her head, her voice grim. "The child chooses not to venture outside. I fear she has caught an illness."

Yeah. It's called the "Love Bug."

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