Chapter 7

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Though much time had passed since she had been to the future, Kagome could remember it with ease. At least the important aspects of it. Like the first day of school, and how her mother waited for her to go into her classroom, with tears in her eyes, before leaving Kagome with teachers. And how her brother Sota used to have the best birthdays because he was such a positive and enthusiastic boy, always the social butterfly, with friends to celebrate each moment together. Or how grandpa used to give Kagome the oddest presents, like a lizards tail or some fake jewel.

She could even remember special moments, like when her mother's friend was having a baby and they all celebrated by having a grand party, with all of their friends. Her mother had helped find a venue to host the party. Caterers and waiters were there, giving service to her esteemed guests. Kagome remembered thinking that everything seemed rather much for a baby who hadn't even been born yet. She thought now that she would maybe do such a thing if she had been in the future with her family. In fact, she knew her mother would have wanted to celebrate such a glorious moment with Kagome the same way.

She would've wanted to know.

Tears glistened in Kagome's eyes for a moment before she wiped them clean. She truly missed her family and desired nothing more than to see them again. When she had returned to Inuyasha's time, the well closed up and she was not allowed to head back home anymore. Hard as it was, this is the life she chose. Her mother knew it as soon as the well showed a setting of the past to them both. Kagome remembered saying goodbye to them. Mother held Kagome tight. Sota held back his tears, tightening his jaw so that a torrent of water would not be released. And grandpa. Dear grandpa wished her off with a few, eccentric gifts.

A dried up toad. Another lizard's tail. And a small frame with grandpa, mother, Kagome and Sota pictured together. It was one of Kagome's most cherished possessions, and it sat atop her bureau, safe and protected. Right next to a picture of Inuyasha lovingly holding Kagome in the air.

Kagome reminisced with a wistful smile as she and Inuyasha walked to Sango's home. The two remained quiet despite their earlier snippet of camaraderie. Kagome didn't mind really. She wanted to give Inuyasha space and time to acclimate to his situation, and she found that when she was most patient with him, the half demon behaved his best. If she continued this way, perhaps he would behave with the gang as well. She hoped.

Besides, it also gave her some time to think about her past.

They ambled through the village while the sun was beginning to set. Multi-hued rays blanketed the area with streaks of gold and pink. The river where locals caught fish, reflected the sky, heaven meeting earth. When they came to Sango's home, Kagome could hear Sango's children laughing and singing. Someone was playing a shamisen, an instrument which resembled a guitar. Another, more likely Sango's son, played a taiko drum. Inuyasha winced at the sound since the children were fairly inexperienced when it came to music. Regardless, Kagome was delighted to hear it because it would drown out the silence that would surely cover the group when Inuyasha arrived.

The first one to catch Kagome was the monk Miroku. He smiled with glee and ran over to the couple. Without asking, he gave her a hug, and when he released her, he looked to Inuyasha and beamed. "Hello, Inuyasha. How are you today?"

Inuyasha gestured toward the man with a nod. "Been better."

"I see." He clapped his hands, then placed one hand behind the small of Kagome's back. "Let's head inside, shall we? Sango has prepared a feast!" His gaze met Kagome's. "Have you any idea why she would do this?"

She shrugged. "Maybe she's in a good mood today."

Miroku arched a brow. "Oh, really now? And why would she be?"

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