Stay with me (Jeff the Killer x Depressed!Reader)

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A bright light shined in your eyes as soon as you opened them. Groggily rubbing your eyes, you sat up, only to be pulled back by some tubes and wires. What happened?

Finally, your eyes adjusted to your brightly lit surroundings. A hospital? Wait no, this was Ej's workspace. A sigh left your chapped lips as everything seemed to flood back.

That's right, you had gotten into an argument with Jeff. Your boyfriend. You had wanted to spend the day with him for your 2nd anniversary, but he pushed you away and even yelled at you. It hurt. That night you had tears flowing down your face, he destroyed your gift to him, he screamed calling it stupid. Picking up a razor you sliced your arm, and that's all you could remember.

Looking down, you noticed your arms were neatly wrapped in bandages. Must be Ej's work. The room was empty, only a few corpses to be disposed of from Ej's meals were your company. Not exactly the thing you'd want to wake up to, but not like it mattered anymore.

Finally, the door clicked, darting your head to look at it, Ej walked in.

"Oh, you're awake. I'll go tell Jeff-" He started to turn.

"No" The word almost came out of your mouth instantly, it was liked you were programmed to. Ej tilted his head. "I-, I don't want to see him right now." You said. Ej just nodded and walked out, shutting the door.

Attempting to stand up, you gripped the cold bed you were laying on. It was incredibly painful. You felt dizzy and nauseous. Swelling back the feelings you let go. Ripping the cords from your arm, you made your way to the door. Not caring about the blood that now dripped down your arm, or that you were a hospital gown. You just wanted to make it back to your room to rest.

All the other pasta in the household watched worriedly as you made your way to your room. The blood dripped of your fingertips onto the red carpet. When you made it there, it was almost as if all your energy had been drained.

Somehow you made it to your bed and laid down. Everything was blurry, you didn't know if it was the loss of blood or the tears falling quickly from your (e/c) orbs. But it didn't matter, you just wanted sleep. As a sleep, is what you did


Waking up, your head pounded. It felt like the worst hangover you've ever had. Although, it was the loss of blood.

"Oh, you're up, drink this" A dark figure handed you a bottle of cranberry juice. The familiar voice made hot tears start falling for your cheeks. It was Jeff. "It helps with losing a lot of blood... as you did"

You reached up to grab the bottle, only to have Jeff grab your sore wrists. The sudden pain caused a small scream to escape your mouth. Getting a better look at him, his eyes looked bloodshot, and his white cheeks showed a slight pink tint. He had been crying.

"Why..." He started. "Why did you do this to yourself!" He lost it, he squeezed your wrist tighter and his tears started again. Words were caught in your throat, you couldn't tell him it was him.

"I-..." You stopped. It was his fault. It was all his fault. "No"

Jeff looked at you confused. "It was you" You stated. Jeff's' face turned surprised.

"Me?" He asked. You just nodded. "How?" He seemed to surprised to say anything more than one-word sentences.

"You...You yelled at me and pushed me away..." More tears spilled. Your eyes were like an ocean of tears. "You destroyed my gift, then screamed calling it stupid"

Jeff looked down at his hands. Guilt filled him. I was in a bad mood that day, yet he didn't know why you were acing lovey, unlike usual. Jane had aggravated him, causing him to let out his anger on his poor (Y/n).

"It was our 2-year anniversary..." You said, almost in a whisper. More sobs caught their way to your throat. Jeff felt terrible. He forgot.

"I-I'm sorry (Y/n)" He grabbed your hands lightly and looked you in the eyes. "I'll take you to a nice dinner, get you whatever you want! Just please, Stay with me"

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