Chapter 10: Worthy

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“Aaghck..” Izuku groans as he finds himself on a familiar bed, he looks around and notices the sun has set. He hears soft snored from around him, searching for the source of the sound, he finds Yagi and Iida sleeping on the ground beside him in their sleep packs.

The memories of what happened to him flood through his mind, I won! He remembered the feeling of One for All coursing through his veins as he pierced through the ice dragons skull. With the thought he instinctively looked at his arm, it was feeling perfectly fine, Eri probably patched me up… I should take her out to get candy apples or something… He plopped his head back down on his pillow, and sleep soon overtook him.


He woke up the following morning to three people crowding him, it was Yagi, Iida and Eri. “Morning guys..” He spoke groggily.

“I’m so proud of you Young Midoriya,” Yagi spoke with a smile, “You learned to harness your strength and magic without a wield, even if it left you with several stress fractures and a broken arm,” he threw his head back laughing.

“That was some fight Midoriya, I’m glad you’re still alive,” Tenya chopped the air.

“Yea.. I am too..” Izuku got up and stretched, he glanced at Eri, who was beaming up at him, he ruffled the girls hair, “Thanks squirt, I owe you one.” He gave a toothy grin and a thumbs up. "Maybe I'll take you out to get some candy apples soon, I'm kinda craving them."

Eri's pupils enlarged, she squealed and pumped both her hands up in celebration, "Yesssss!" She beamed at Izuku, “No problem!” She bounced in spot, proud that she could heal another patient, and that Izuku was going to take her out to get her favourite sweet.

Izuku put on his coat and looked at Yagi, “So Yagi, where to next?” He asked.

Yagi smiled and put his hands on hips, “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

“What am I- Ohhh the blade! It wouldn’t be the ‘Legend of the Burning Blade’ if I didn’t take the blade!” He smacked his head, remembering the title labelled on his childhood storybook.

“Quite right, we should go and see if you can wield it now, if I’m correct, your inner demons have been defeated.” Iida put a hand on his chin.

“Alright, let's get going!” He marched out of the hut, waving goodbye to the white haired girl.

The trio started walking towards the middle of the village again, talking idly about what they found interesting about the town. Until Iida brought something up that caught his interest.

“Midoriya, you know you are a celebrity in this village? Everyone knows your face, it’s been painted everywhere!” He pointed out.

Izuku froze, he shot his head to the blue haired man, “R-Really!?!” An electric shock went up his back, he got goosebumps. The two others nodded, Izuku looked at his hands, “I-I’m famous! Haahahah! I’m FAMOUS!” The greenette started laughing maniacally.

“You are also invited to dinner with the Mustafu royals, because that was your hometown,” Izuku froze as the words left Yagi’s mouth, he slowly moved his head towards the old man.

“I-Is that so?” He stuttered out.

Iida nodded, “You will be accompanied by Kamino Royalty as well, so it won’t just be the awkward love triangle you and the Mustafu Royals have, you will also be joined by Tamer Kirishima,” He reassured him.

Legend of the Burning Blade (MHA Fantasy AU) [ON HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now