Chapter 9: Fight!

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“Oi! Bakugou! Ya managed to show up!” Kirishima walked up to him and locked him into a hug, he patted his shoulders and looked at the woman standing next to him, “Ah, you must be the Misses! Eijiro Kirishima! Hope me and Izuku here will treat you to a good fight!” He shook the princesses hand.

“Ochaco Ura- Bakugou, I-I’m sure you will..” The woman glanced at Izuku as she said that.

Izuku was frozen in place, No no no! How am I supposed to talk to her after everything that's happened! He was shaken out of trance by a laugh from Bakugou, “This is the nerd that challenged you? I’ll give him a single minute before he gets his guts ripped out by your dragons,” he eyed Izuku up and down.

“A-Ah, your highness, Izuku Midoriya,” Izuku bowed in respect, Katsuki scoffed and went to talk with Kirishima more. Ochaco slowly approached Midoriya, who just now realized how beautiful she looked.

“Hey..” She spoke low.

Izuku bowed again, “Y-Your highness,” he formally greeted.

Something stung in Ochaco’s eye, was it because her best friend didn’t acknowledge her like he used to? Or that he was going to fight the Tamer in a death match.. It was both.

“Please, don’t be that way around me,” she urged the bowing to stand straight up, which he did.

“It’s better if I do, it would cause suspicion if I did anything else,” he rubbed his head.

Ochaco’s expression softened, Always thinking of others. “How are you?”

Izuku’s eyes fell, “Not very good,” he shook his head and looked back at the princess, “A-Ah! You don’t need to worry though, I’ll be fine, it’s just that I’m probably going to die today haha..” He tried to joke the statement off, but he noticed Ochaco’s expression was hardened again.

“Why?” She asked.

Izuku cleared his throat, he looked at Ochaco right in the eyes, “ I have nothing left to lose, so I’m going to try and prove myself,” the servants opened the doors to allow another royal couple in, signalling the current one to leave, both Ochaco and Izuku sighed, “You look beautiful Ochaco, I’ll see you later,” he smiled, “Or not..”

Ochaco wanted to hug him, but she knew better. But it still confused her why Izuku challenged the Tamer, His mother must be worried sick! He must have challenged in hopes of winning for the money, that also explains why he was caught training. Katsuki joined Ochaco in front of the two challengers, her eyes interlocked with Izuku’s as she looped her arm through Katsuki’s. She could have swore she saw hurt in his eyes as she did. I’m going to figure out why when I get the chance.

Izuku spent the whole day trying not to have a nervous breakdown, and meeting Ochaco did not help it.

It was soon time for the fight, they were sent to their own preparation rooms, Izuku took the time to take an ice bath, he lay in the bucket with only a towel draped around his waist, closing his eyes. He hears the door of the room open, revealing Yagi and Tenya.

Izuku has been feelings of guilt for disregarding his mentor since the day he yelled at him, but he hasn’t mustered up the courage to apologize.

“Young Midoriya… You’re up in 15 minutes,” Yagi walked over to his sword and shield, grazing his fingers, he lightly taps the blade, “Good luck.”

“Thanks Yagi,” he said while his eyes were still closed.

“There will be three dragons blocking you from you goal, be quick on your feet and aim for Kirishima, I know I said you have nothing to worry about, but there still is a chance you may die,” Tenya started, “So before you go, you must know I am truly honored to have accompanied you and Yagi on this journey, and I hope we can continue it,”

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