Chapter 7: Kamino

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Kamino was warm, no clouds were visible in the sky, and the villages peoples seemed at ease. Izuku, Iida, and Yagi entered through the front gates, Yagi still unconscious on Tenya’s back. The entrance lead to the start of a small neighborhood, everyone eyed them intently as they passed through, a three-way fork was approached, after asking directions to the towns recovery shacks, they went through the middle path, coming upon a shack similar to the ones back in Mustafu.

“We should call the Recover Girl, Yagi seems to be getting warmer by the minute,” Iida sets the Symbol of Peace on a cot, while Izuku went to fetch the Recovery Girl.

After Tenya took a seat beside the wooden bed, a girl who looked no older than 9 years old walked in; she had snowy-white hair, with red eyes the colour of roses, she also had a small horn extending from her forehead. Izuku walked in shortly after, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

“Apparently the towns Recovery Girl is this kid,” the green haired man motioned to the younger girl.

“Hey! My name is Eri, and as Midoriya mentioned, I am the towns Recovery Girl.” Eri said with a cheerful voice, she eyed the blonde man laying in the bed and walked beside him.

“We had a run-in with monsters on the outskirts of Kamino, he seems to also be fevering up,” Iida says as he folds his arms.

Izuku falters and speaks up, “Wait wait wait, mind explaining why Kamino’s Recovery Girl is 6 years old!” He shouts, hands in the air.

Hearing this, Eri turns her head towards him and scowls, “I’m not 6, i’m 9,” she crosses her arms and pouts, “And to answer your question, our Recovery Girl died last year in a freak accident, I was still in training back then, but I’ve learned to be responsible and do work for the palace and their guards,” she glanced at Iida at her last remark and looked back at Izuku. “Unlike you.”

“H-Hey! I’m responsible,” he put his hands on his hips.

“Yeah you may be, but your fly is still open,”

The poor boy yelps and quickly zips his fly back up, “Why you littl-”

“Enough! Eri, can you please heal Yagi here, we don’t have much time!” Iida interjects the little squabble, motioning towards the heavily breathing Yagi on the cot.

The girl yelps and runs over, placing a hand on his forehead, her horn begins to glow. Instantly, Yagi’s breathing calms down, and he stops sweating, Eri takes her hand off and wipes her own forehead, “All done! He should wake up after his nap.”

“Thank you, Eri,” Tenya bows ninety degrees.

Eri giggles, “No problem, now, I need to get back to my tea party!” she jumps up and down in excitement, skipping out of the ward, but was stopped by Izuku.

“Thanks kid,” he mumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Eri beams at the man, “Just doing my job!”


You haven’t told him.


A man approached in all black, slowly hissing out words in the form of knives through his chest.

You’re a horrible mentor

You will break him.

You don’t deserve to be the Symbol of Peace.

A knife makes its way through his heart.

You haven’t told him.

“I said stop!”

Legend of the Burning Blade (MHA Fantasy AU) [ON HIATUS]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum