Jungkook slightly winced. Looking back on himself now, he really was horrible. "I'm sorry about all that," he mumbled.

"All is forgiven," you said calmly. "I didn't help by adding fuel to the fire that was our relationship. I was just as crude and uncivil towards you, so it balances out to a clean slate."

Jungkook smiled small as his gaze lowered to the floor. He sighed as he continued to try and convince you of his swapped opinion towards you and the both of your immediate partnership. "I always thought that Familiars were just an easy way out for your kind, so as someone who worked hard every day to get to where I am now... I don't know, it just pissed me off. They pissed me off."

You tried to catch his eyes, gaining eye contact would help him try and defend himself and yet there he sat, next to you staring at the floors of this empty, locked classroom. "So, you're saying something changed your mind?" He shrugged before he nodded, an very unsure gesture to be fair. An equal action of 'sure, that's what we'll say'. "What was it?"

Jungkook finally raised his head, connected his dark eyes with your own. He could almost see the magic behind them, sparkling like pure energy. He had no doubt you could see the fire his eyes that flicked at the edge of his irises.

"You did," he stated much bolder than before. "I saw everything between you and Zaros," you gasped lightly when he mentioned your father by name. "When he froze everything. When he scolded and scorned you. When he cast that spell and how you tried to explain that the reason you came to him alone was that your Familiar didn't want to be there at your side." He took a breath, "you got hurt because I was too afraid and stubborn to realize that not all Spellcasters are like that. You aren't, and I don't think Yoongi is either."

Jungkook lowered his head towards you, placing his hands on the floor as he bowed deeply to you. "I'm sorry for judging you all this time when all I've been is wrong," he apologized. You panicked as you yanked the back of his shirt to sit him back up. Your cheeks were flushed when he looked at you, clearly embarrassed from the public display of such a fond apology. He chuckled as you looked to make sure no one was peaking in any windows to see him in such a state.

The renown wrestling team captain who literally throws men twice his size from wall to wall without breaking a sweat, bowing his head to the floor at an injured, blighted Witch. It was a joke if it were to be seen for sure.

"Jungkook," you started, "I'll think about it. I'll give you time to really think over your decision."

"I don't need any more time. I've thought it through already."

You sighed as you stood up, Jungkook quickly following suit. He stood above you as he watched as you smoothed out your clothes and grabbed your bag. He watched as you rubbed and messed just slightly withed the edges of your bandage.

"Regardless, I'll make sure that no one finds out about you being bound, especially to me." Jungkook furrowed his brows. "It's a well-known fact that you don't like me to the rest of our two buildings. Not to mention your pretty infamous for being that one student who swore up and down he wouldn't accept a contract." He lowered your arm as you slung your bag over your shoulder. "I'll think of some story to figure out so people won't bombard you with questions."

You turned your back, flicking the lock on the door open to step out before Jungkook yanked on your bag. Letting out a small squeal, you stumbled backward a few steps before your bag was taken from you completely. Whipping around you already had your mouth open to yell at Jungkook.

"Hush," he told you as he set your bag on a desk and stripping himself of his hoodie. Pulling it off his back, over his head and letting the sleeves drop from his arms, he held it out and practically tossed it onto your head. Acting like a dog who got a blanket thrown over him, you swatted at the fabric and pulled it from you, leaving you a mess far to be desired.

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