Thats definitely Marissa.

I sat up in a hurry, trying to process everything, and when I came to conclusion that I couldn't; I just jumped on her and gave her the biggest hug of my life.

And when I can't count on Demi, I know I can always count on Marissa.

"When?! How?! What?!" I said, a smile spreading across my lips.

"Well, when you called I started thinking about coming and then Demi called and asked if I would come early, so I packed my bags and took the next flight in." Marissa smiled.

And then everything came back to me at once. Demi didn't ever come check on me, so instead she had someone fly in from California just to take care of me.

No one understands that I literally can't loose her.

"Mar.." I said as I laid down in her arms, "I can't loose her."

"Honey, you're not. She loves you unconditionally, trust me!" Marissa said, playing with my hair. "You should've heard her on the phone with me. Total wreck, my friend."

I want to believe Marissa, but actions speak louder than words.

"Where's Maddie?" I asked.

"She is in Demi's room getting ready for lunch."


"Babe, you slept till one." Marissa laughed.

I softly laughed and rubbed my eyes. I guess all the events from last night really wore me out.

"Come on, kid. Get ready. We're all going out for lunch."

I groaned and rolled out of bed, seeing Marissa was already dressed.

And then I realized Demi had my suitcase.

"Uh, Mar?"


"Can you, uh, go get my suitcase?"

She laughed, still scrolling on her phone. "No."

"What? Why?"

"I think it's time for you to say at least a few words to Demi."

My heart sunk in my stomach a little bit, but I nodded anyway. Maybe if she realizes I just woke up, she won't talk to me as much.

I opened the hotel door and went to the next room over, knocking twice.

The door opened and Wilmer was standing there, already dressed.

"Annie," he sighed in relief, "come in."

I awkwardly walked past him and saw Demi sitting on the bed, painting her toes and Maddie was sitting at the desk part, drawing an eyeliner tattoo.

Demi looked up and all color drained from her face and I almost thought she was going to drop her red nail polish on the white comforter, but she didn't.

"Annie!" She said, a little to quickly.

"I need my suitcase."

And then she remembered how pissed I probably was, and her face hardened. Greaaaaaat. She's the one that doesn't want me here, so she can suck it the fuck up.

I watched as she moved to her side of the bed and bent down, putting something in my opened suitcase, then rolled it over to me.

"Are you going to talk to me?" She asked. Her face showed no emotion as she put on her poker face, but her eyes.. They shown sadness. But why?! She's the one that doesn't have time for me and she's the one that told me to leave.

I softly took my suitcase from her and shook my head in a 'no' motion before returning back to my room.

"How'd it go?" Marissa asked.

"We didn't talk." I answered.

I threw my bag up on the bed and unzipped it. Oh gosh. Seriously?

She took one of my favorite baggy t-shirts out of my suitcase and replaced it with one of her favorite baggy t-shirts.

If she would've done this maybe two days ago, I would've found it cute. But, now, it's just confusing.

I grabbed the shirt and athletic shorts, and walked to the bathroom.

Why am I so emotional?

I put Demi's shirt up to my face and cried a little into it. Not full on rib racking sobs, I'm to empty for that.

Then, I got my shit together, and changed into the outfit. I threw my hair up in a bun, and called it good.

Maybe if Demi saw me wearing her shirt, she'd know how bad I was hurting inside.

Maybe it was morse code. I wear the shirt if I'm hurting.

I opened the bathroom door, and I couldn't believe what stood at the bed beside Marissa.

A Demi with my shirt on. Well, no shit.

"Are you ready?" Demi asked, her face softening by a ton.

I nodded before walking up to Marissa and following her out the door.

Not Demi.


At lunch I sat between Marissa and Madison, across from Wilmer and Demi.

"So, Wilmer, when do you have to go home?" Marissa asked.

"Soonish. I think day after tomorrow."


Marissa nodded and took a sip of her tea.

"What about you?" Wilmer asked.

"Uh," Marissa awkwardly said, "I guess it just depends."

"Oh!" Wilmer said, as if he suddenly remembered. "Right."

I rolled my eyes, and as if on cue, our food came. I just got a small salad because my appetite is running low today.

"Hey look," Madison nudged me.

I looked over as she took a picture for her snapchat. She's been on snapchat mode lately, but I didn't mind. Most of her snapchats are really funny.

"So, what have you done sense we've been gone?" Demi asked Mar.

"Nothing really." She shrugged, "Did you know the night you left on the tour bus, that highway right next to it got, like, shut down and we had to leave a different way?"

"No," Demi shook her head, "It got shut down within fifteen minutes?"

"Yeah," Marissa nodded, "There was a really bad wreck."

"Who was it?" Demi asked.

"I dunno. I'll look, though." Marissa said, pulling her phone out.

I continued to eat my salad until I ate every bite and my stomach was content.

"Here!" Marissa said, "It says that a car pulled out in front of a truck that was going 70, and the truck span out of control, eventually rolling over like twice."

"Oh, goodness!" Demi said, "Did he die? Who was it?"

I looked over at Marissa for an answer and saw her face turn an unhealthy white as she covered her mouth with her hand. .

"Mar?" I asked, "Who was it?"


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