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We snuck through the woods away from Camp Halfblood. We were all silent and tense. When I was tense, however, that means my mind wanders around to calm itself. And, that means I think. And, think means I began to mull over who I was. I wanted to know who I was even more badly now. When I was in Everbay my memory problem felt trivial. But, now knowing what I was brought up the fact that it was not any normal amnesia. I couldn't help but wonder who took my memories and if I could ever get them back. I began to wonder if I would remember this someday or if whoever took my memories before would do it again. I really hoped not because I was beginning to realize that I wasn't alone. I was starting to feel like I had a real family. Camp was my home and the demigods were my family. No matter if my dad didn't care to even whisper advice in my head as he had for Percy... I was beginning to feel a bit bitter. All I had ever wanted was a parent.

I shook those bitter angry thoughts out of my head. I had to let those thoughts go. Kronos wanted me to hang on to them and wanted me to hold a grudge. I needed to break free from them. My eyes scanned the people who were coming along for this quest with me. Two of my friends needed me. I had to save Clarisse and I had to save Grover. They needed us.

"Zoie!" Annabeth's voice snapped me out of my thoughts but unfortunately, it was too late.

I yelped in startled fear and I trip and tumble down a cliff. My hands scrambled to catch a handhold and pain shot from my wrist and up my arm as I caught a rock to keep me from falling further. Blood trickled from my nails a bit and I flinch silently cursing in half greek half English. Wait...? When did I learn Greek?

The others peeked over the edge and Percy called down to me panicked, "Hey? Sis?? Are you okay??"

I grit my teeth and closed my eyes as I felt a sudden connection to the ground and earth and plants around me. Just like I had felt with the tree. I heard them whispering but I couldn't actually hear them. Just like when you can't pinpoint the station on a radio.

"Hang in there! We can try and get you up!" Annabeth said.

"Like I have a choice!" I yelled up and then looked down at the abyss below. I frowned. There was water down there. I would be totally fine if I let go... right? I just had to hit the water.

"Don't let g-" Annabeth was saying but I had already released my grip. My breath caught in my lungs. Damn how much I hate heights. I closed my eyes as I heard yells of startled terror from above.

"Zoie!" Jacob yelled.

Everything went silent as I hit the icy cold river water. Thankfully it was pretty deep. Immediately strength began to fill me. My head came up above the water and I struggled to swim to a shore. But, the river was too fast and strong and it drug me along it. Well... that hadn't gone to plan. I really was related to Percy. I had literally just did a Percy plan. A half-formed plan with no actual substance. Athena would probably be facepalming right now. I stopped fighting the water, seeing there was no use and dove under allowing myself to be pulled along under water. It was quiet and serene. A good place to think. Oh, come on... what is with the world and giving me time to think. I took a breath of water and was glad being a kid of Poseidon allowed me to intake water like it was air. Okay... while I'm down here I might as well figure out where the river is taking me. What river was this...? The water began to become murky and filled with trash. The Hudson. Got it. Well, this will flow right through New York and then into the ocean. Then what? Curse my family's poor planning skills.

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