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Another dream, just like the rest started as soon as my head hit the pillow and my eyes closed. But, this time I was not standing beside an abyss. I stood in the middle of what seemed to be an Olympian god counsel. It seemed to be winter and I saw some campers walking around. A Boy with sandy blonde hair, a scar across his face and light blue eyes caught my eye.

 A Boy with sandy blonde hair, a scar across his face and light blue eyes caught my eye

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He was sneaking off from the rest of the group. I followed him curious about what he was doing. We walked down a darkened hall and before he slipped into a door he looked around. When I slipped in after him I saw it was a vault of some kind. Three pedestals with glass boxes on each contained the big three's items; Hades' Helm, Zeus' Thunderbolt, and Poseidon's Trident. The boy hurried purposefully towards the lightning bolt and, with another quick look around him took it from the box and slipped it into his messenger bag. With that, he slipped back out of the room and rejoined the campers as if nothing happened.

My eyes fluttered open. I yawned and sat up looking around. What time was it? My sleepy eyes found the clock and it read 12:00 PM in blinking red LEDs. I slipped from the bed and padded out of the Hypnos cabin yawning again. I stretched and moved towards the dining pavilion. I was hungry and it was time for lunch. I wasn't surprised I had slept that long because sleeping in the Hypnos cabin was a gamble. You might wake up a week later if you weren't careful. I'm glad it was just the next day. 'At least I hope it is the next day... I'll ask Percy or someone.' I looked around and the person who I wanted to see was walking towards me.

"Hey, Zoie!" Percy called and waved grinning.

"Hey, Percy!" I smiled back and when he made it to me I hugged him.

"You have slept in the Hypnos cabin last night I see." He chuckled hugging back. 

"Mmm hmm... it was a good night's rest." I nodded.

"Just don't make a habit about it," Percy warned. "It is dangerous in there."

I knew his serious but I couldn't help giggling, "Yeah, I know. Come on. Let's go get some lunch."


It was a week later and time for the Capture the Flag game.

"I can tell all these swords are bad for me." I sighed, complaining and picked up one weighing it, "But I suppose it will have to do."

Ray was grinning in a sort of sadistic excitement. "Come on! Start already..." She was revving to fight. At the campfire two days ago she had been claimed by Ares, which wasn't really a surprise.

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