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{(A/N) This is happening just before the second book of Percy Jackson and The Olympians. My character is 11 and Percy is 13 just so you guys know. (^-^)}

The first thing I saw through my eyelids when I woke was colors. They danced across them in an ever-changing dance. It would be blackish purple then it would change to a violent red that shifted to a powder pink. Then it would shift to a deep purple, and sometimes all of the colors would combine together or overlap. I shifted weakly, trying to open my eyes feeling sick and utterly bewildered. Finally, my eyes opened with great difficulty and I shuddered, straining to look around me and get an understanding of where I was. I lay in a cot in some kind of cabin it looked like. I pushed myself up and shivered slightly, regretting my decision to sit up almost instantly. I fell back to my pillow and winced. I looked down at the wound on my left shoulder. I wrinkled my nose in a disgusted grimace. The white gauze bandage was yellowy and green now with what I would assume was puss. I could smell it as well ad it smelled disgusting; like rancid meat and sewage mixed together.

"You're awake!" A golden-haired boy of about thirteen or fourteen came over to me. He propped me up with several cushiony pillows and helped me drink something delicious that tasted like... Candy Floss! (For you Americans Candy Floss is Cotton Candy). I forgot all about my injury when I tasted it. 

"What IS this? It tastes so amazing, like Candy Floss." I asked in pure happiness.

"That is Nectar, the drink of the gods." He explained, "I was just coming into to clean your wound, it keeps getting infected so I have to constantly clean it. Please sit still now." He said smiling. "If you move it will hurt more."

I obediently sat still and watched him as he began to unwrap my wound. The stench became overpowering and I avoided looking at it. I suppressed a gag and the urge to vomit, "So... uh what's your name?" 

"My name is Ryan. I'm from the Apollo cabin. You're lucky to still be alive. The fates probably favor you." He then winked, "And, it helped you have a skilled medic here to help you."

  "Well anyway, they favored you more than that other new kid's mom

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  "Well anyway, they favored you more than that other new kid's mom." He said as he began to wrap my wound in a fresh bandage.

'What the hell dude?? That was insensitive!' I thought angrily and voiced my displeasure at his words by saying, "...Shut up..." I growled quietly.

"Woah, hey don't bite my head off. Yeesh, I thought Clarisse was moody..."He said as he pined the bandage so it wouldn't slip, "Anyway, Miss Moody, you have to stay in bed a few more days so I can make sure that the venom-"

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