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I was hiding from everyone now. I hated the attention I was suddenly receiving. I might have used to want attention but now. I felt angry and broken. Something about being claimed had made me feel worse. Those kids who didn't get claimed, the hopefuls and the ones who gave up made me realize that the gods sucked. I realized it couldn't be worse when your parents run the universe. The woods were quiet and I was glad for the solitude. Everyone steered clear of this area unless they wanted to fight monsters, leave camp undetected or for Capture the Flag. I sat with my back to a tree which felt comfortable and had my eyes closed listening to nature. Soon, however, the sound of feet thudding against dirt caught my attention. I didn't even have to open my eyes to know it was Percy. 

"Hey, there you are! .....You know being a kid of Poseidon isn't so bad. Well, actually it sucks with your social life you can't use phones..." He seemed to be very bad at motivation speeches. " But, Can I, uh, answer any questions for you? Considering I might know what you're in for?" He asked trying to help.  

"....I..." I debated whether or not to ask him about the dreams. I sighed shaking my head, "No, not at the moment thank you, Percy." I pushed myself up and brushed off the dirt and pine needles from my butt. I chewed my bottom lip in thought. My hazel eyes had a dreamy quality.

"You alright?" He asked scratching the back of his head. "You have a dreamy look kind of like Grover, but less excited and more not here..." He asked trying to look me in the eyes. "Are you still tired from the Hypno cabin?" He joked.

I avoided looking at him in his eyes and avoided the question as well, "...Yeah. I'm fine." I sighed and stuffed my hands in my pockets. "Just have a lot on my mind." I took another breath and suddenly asked, "Do you ever think the gods should- nevermind..." I shook my head and turned away from my half brother.

He was silent for a moment. "do I ever think the gods should what"? he asked. He was silent for a moment as a hint of worry crossed his face. "Can I tell you about a story? About a boy named Luke Castellan. You hear the rumors around camp right? kind of hard not to with what he did."  

"I've heard of him... and I said nevermind." I scowled, "I'm going to the cabin, Seaweed brain..." I walked quickly off. Why was it so hard to be alone in this camp? I instantly ran into Clarisse.

She grunted and took a few surprised steps back. She blinked then scowled at me a bit, "What's up, loser." She sneered.

I rolled my eyes and smiled a bit. Ares kids were growing on me and I seemed to have an unexplainable soft spot for them. "Hello, to you too Clarisse."

"So, your old barnacle beard's kid." She said. She was dancing slightly awkward but hiding it.

"...Would seem so."


She seemed to be searching for something to say so before she could continue the conversation I quickly said, "Look, been great and all but I have to go." I said and walked away.

Halfway to the cabin, I changed my mind. I faltered my step trying to decide where to go. I sighed knowing I had to just buck up and stop avoiding everyone sooner or later. Being an angsty teen was not helping me. I know I was just trying to sort through everything that was happening but I was shutting myself from everything and everyone to the point it was unhealthy. I took a deep breath and looked at my hands flexing the fingers and then nodded. 'Time to go to the Athena Cabin and check out some books on Kronos.' I paused for a moment, 'Wait... can I check out books from the Athena kids? Eh, worth a try.' I shrugged and started to head toward cabin six.


Once I made it back to my cabin I collapsed on my bed with a massive book the Athena kids had shoved in my arms. I had apparently interrupted them studying and they hadn't been too happy. But, when I said I wanted a book on Greek History they were delighted to help, however, as soon as they had shoved this gigantic tome in my arms I was pushed out of the cabin faster than you could say Tartarus. 

I opened the book's pages and the scent of old books and libraries hit my nose. It made me relax. I had missed that smell. I scanned the pages realizing it was in ancient Greek but I could understand it completely. A perk of being a demigod I suppose.

My eyes were drawn to a picture of Kronos eating his kids. I shuddered a bit and sighed. "...Morbid much..." I mumbled and sighed. 

I had been reading for a few hours now and had gotten not even a quarter way done. Reading Greek was so much easier than English. 'What had Annabeth said? My brain was hardwired to read Greek not English and that was my Dyslexia... yeah...' I felt my eyes begin to turn heavy and soon my head dropped to the pages of the book and I fell asleep.

A cold feeling washed over making my skin goosebump. I shuddered and hugged myself looking around realizing I was back at the edge of Tartarus. "You've been reading up about me, I see." Kronos' voice spoke quietly. It wasn't angry but it still made me nervous.

"...I... Yes, I have been." I paused a moment then asked what I was worried about, "Are you angry?"

"Of course not, my key. I am never mad at you. I am only proud of you. Did you find my story interesting?"

"...Quite. But, I... Wasn't it a tad dramatic to EAT your children?" I asked.

"I suppose it might have been. I only want a second chance. Like you, my key. Would you like to see a memory that they have kept from you?" He asked.

My eyes widened a bit in an unsure but hopeful way, "...I..." I stopped myself and shook my head. As much as I wanted to remember and how much I hated not knowing things what I knew was that I was not ready to remember.

"Damn Athena..." Kronos muttered annoyed.

My brows furrowed in confusion, "....?" 'W...What is he talking about...?' I asked myself in my head.

"You will learn in due time." Kronos answered my thoughts and then he sighed, "...Have you seen how the gods act? They pretend that the favor each of their children with equality but have you not noticed how your father treats you? Not with equality. He has Anaklusmos in his grip and you have nothing. How he has friends who would die for him. Not," He paused and then a smile crept into his voice, "That I am saying you don't have friends. You certainly do. Luke and I are your friends because we want to help you rise above what your parents desire. They overthrew me and karma is bound to overthrow them next. Think about what I said, young demigod... you will come to see my side. See you tomorrow..."

And, that is when I awoke to a cacophony of sounds that I was not expecting.

Book 1 || Lotus || PercyJacksonFanficWhere stories live. Discover now