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As we neared camp a group of kids hurried up to greet us. It was Jacob, Clarisse, Ray, a boy who looked oddly familiar and a few more campers. My eyes connected with his and something told me he was the kid Kronos told me about.

Jacob waved his hand a bit as he grinned goofily, "Zoie! Percy, glad to see you two back here!" He said, grinning larger. He was holding a sword over his left shoulder. The sword had a blue leather wrapped hilt and spikes around on the pommel. "Check out what I scored off a monster drop!" He said showing it off proudly. "It's like a video game except I don't get XP!" He laughed then asked, "So how is everyone?"

I facepalmed and laughed weakly. I sighed and shook my head, cheeks dusting a bit pink when my eyes fell on Clarisse. I shook my head and my hand slipped in my pocket. I slipped my ring on my middle finger of my right hand again and began to play with it with my thumb. It was a nervous tick I always had and my eyes wandered around and fell on the tree Kronos had mentioned. I grit my teeth and took a deep breath. My muscles tighten like I was getting ready to lunge into action. My hand automatically went to my hip but grasped at nothing. I cursed silently wondering why I thought I had a sword. I had never... My brain slowed down to a sluggish pace and it darted around in confusion. 'Did... I have a... sword...?' I asked myself quietly. My muscles relaxed and a dreamy expression came onto my face. I licked my lips and shook my head. 

Jacob snapped his fingers. "hey Zozo you good?" He asked as Clarisse scoffed. 

"She seems to be out of it. I'm surprised you all didn't run into monsters out there. Now, come on let's go!!" She urged as she began to escort us deeper into camp. 

"Hey slow down Clarrise! They just got back and have no idea what's going on!" Jacob pointed out and he sighed. Then, he turned to me smiling and offering a hug. "You still with us?" He asked, worried.

I stepped away from his open arms and nodded, "Yeah. I'm fine." I shook my head, "We should just head to camp." I moved past him and hurried after Clarisse. "Hey! Hold up!" I called.

Clarisse sneered and turned, walking backward, "Ha! Come on then, loser."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh for the love! You can drop the act."

Clarisse rolled her eyes, smirking, "Yeah yeah. The 'F' word."

"The what now??" Asked Annabeth, bewildered.

I giggled and rolled my eyes, grinning largely, "She means 'Friends'."

"Since when have you been friends with the bully?" Asked Annabeth.

"...Over the school year, I Iris messaged camp a lot and she happened to be the one who usually answered." I shrugged.

Jacob followed close behind glancing at the back of everyone's heads. He found it strange that his hug wasn't met with acceptance like usually. "So, did anyone explain the situation to you guys yet?" He asked.

 "For one Chiron is gone," Said Clarrise. "Replaced."

"REPLACED??" I yelped and then scowled, "This is worse than I thought. Replaced by who? Who do I have to kill to find Chiron!" 

Jacob jumped in front of the group. "Woah calm down!" He begged with a worried look. "He got replaced by Tantalus." He must have seen my geeky anger because he added, "Yes, that one... anyway, we need a plan to save the tree up on Half-Blood Hill. But, we all have nothing."

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