"Not in front of your granny." I tell him lowly so that she doesn't hear me.

"She left." He says and I turn around to see that she's actually not here.

"Give me a good morning kiss." He commands.

"Magic word." I smile.

"I love you." He laughs and I give him a light kiss.

"That's all you get for being rude." I hit him with the cloth.

"Sunshine, I wasn't being rude plus I got you into your pjs yesterday." He says with a pout.

"I'm very thankful for that baby, but that comes with the boyfriend starter pack. You're expected to do it when I pass out." I give him a light kiss again.

"Well that's better than nothing. Remember when you were angry at me and you ignored me the entire day and you didn't kiss me. Worst day of my life." He groans and I laugh at him.

"Baby I wasn't angry, I was just trying to prove a point." I shrug and he gives me a hug.

"Let's get going." Granny comes into the kitchen with a small smile.

"Let me just put these in the cupboard." I say moving away from Zion.

I put the mugs in their place and we make our way to the cars granny has in the garage. One car that I see is Zions Jeep Wrangler and I smile remembering the last time I was here. Him and I didn't entirely like each other but we were flirting. I smile at myself while I get into the car where I see Tyler and Cas already in the back. Granny W immediately runs to the front and I groan because Cas was sitting in the middle.

"Morning girl!" She practically screeches and I smile.

"Hey." I say lightly hoping to make her realize that she's making a noise.

"How are you?!" She loudly says into my ear.

"I'm good thanks and yourself?"

"I'm tired." She yawns.

"How can she be tired and still make such a noise?" I mutter to myself but of course Zion hears me and laughs while driving.

"Focus on the road baby, not on me." I whisper to him and he chuckles.

Zion drives for another twenty minutes and we soon arrive. Zion opens my door for me and I smile.

"You want something from me." I laugh holding onto his waist as we walk into the restaurant.

"I want a lot of things Sunshine." He whispers to me and I laugh hitting him on the shoulder.

"Since I haven't went grocery shopping, I decided that we should have breakfast then we'll go grocery shopping." Granny says and I smile at her.

"Why don't you, Amelia and Cas go to the store while Zion and I go buy the wood?" Tyler suggests.

"Oh so my grandchild does speak after all." She says without looking at him.

"Granny you woke me up really early, what did you think was going to happen?" He softens her up by smiling and she hits him lightly on the chest.

We get seated by a waiter and instead of sitting next to Zion I end up sitting next to Tyler. Cas sends me a look I don't understand so I ignore it and send a shrug her way.

"Hey." He leans closer to me and I look at him.

"Hello." I say coldly.

"What's wrong?" He gets to the point.

"Uhm I don't know but i know this guy who used to be really close to me, like every second of everyday. He finally got a girlfriend but he doesn't even give his best friend a second look, she's the one who has to check up, she's the one who has to ask if they can chill yet he still turns her down, she's the one who actually shows an interest in their friendship but he doesn't do anything about it. So nothing is wrong." I tell him coldly get a look from Cas and Zion while granny simply smiles to herself looking at the menu.

Tyler doesn't say anything so I decide to continue with my banter.

"When was the last time you and I chilled? Alone." I emphasize the last word.

"We went for snacks just two weeks ago." He tells me.

"Wrong, I was in Paris two weeks ago and I had expected you to actually remember that."

"The last time you and I spoke was when we had dinner with both our families and I don't remember when we last chilled alone. Don't try and push the blame onto me and say that it's because I'm always with Zion because that's not the truth. You didn't even bother to ask me how my trip was to Paris, last week I was at home and don't even try to blame it on Zion because he wasn't in town. Don't even consider you going to the airport with us chill time cause it's not." I say pointing an accusing finger at him.

"Amelia, maybe you two could talk later?" Cas suggests.

"Don't call me that." I mutter making sure that she hears me.

I play with my hands on the table and I feel a hand over mine so I look up to see that it's Zion who is holding onto me.

"What are you going to eat?" He asks softly.

"Waffles." I answer but with no enthusiasm.

The waitress comes and we tell her our orders, she tells us that all of our food is going to be ready in twenty minutes since we all wanted it at once.

"Hey granny, Amelia and I are just going to go arcade." Zion says giving her a look.

"I'll tell Jaz not to bring your drinks now." She smiles and we stand up to walk to the back of the restaurant where there is another huge room filled with gaming systems.

"Let it all out Sunshine." Zion says holding onto my hand.

"I just hate that I'm losing my best friend to a girl." I chuckle with no humor in it at all.

"So you've been keeping this in for how long?"

"Since he started dating her. I mean I don't entirely have a problem with her but there's something that I don't like about her but if she makes him happy then I'm not going to intervene. I'll try my best to actually talk to her and listen to what she has to say but she's not my friend." I tell him.

"This is why I love you, you're very considerate about other people's feelings but that doesn't mean that you have to stand their bull. You also have to consider yourself in all of this Sunshine." He lets me know.

Before I can reply Cas comes to fetch us and we have our breakfast with small chatter in between us.

• • •

The book is almost over and I don't know how to feel about that.

By the way, granny is my fav 😂😂😂❤️

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