Chapter 7: Fiore Santo

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It’s 9pm and almost time for father to make his grand speech, I walk up the steps to a hallway with portraits of all the men and women that became members under the Roberts Family on both sides. These are members that have been in long service and made history within the brotherhood. I walk into the study, where I can usually find him. I see him staring out the window behind his desk, watching people enter the house and greeting each other. “ You know, I remember when you first came to us.” He takes a deep breath and releases it as if it was a sigh of relief, while I walk towards the desk. “ You were cautious, resourceful, and either very brave…” He says as he turns aways from the window towards me with the sound of his cane hitting the floor on every other step, and a stern facial expression. “ ...or very ignorant.” He says once in arms reach with a smile on his face. “ Those were simpler times if I do say so myself.” I say smiling as he stares me up and down observing me. “ Now look at you, CEO of your own company, and the great Spada Cupa( one of the greatest assassins in all of the North American faction ), and also next in line to be head of the Roberts family. Is this still the same boy that was to scared to pick up a knife to defend himself?” Patting his hands on my shoulders, I can only think about the things that changed as time went by me, like a locomotive zooming by with wind close behind it. “ simpler times indeed my boy, and it's great to have you home again D’Angelo.” He says as we embrace one another. “ It's great to be home and to see you as well grandfather.” I say to him.

We talk about my past adventures after receiving the my title and the places I’ve been. After that, he ask me about he assigned to Amelia as he goes to sit in his chair and leans back letting out a relaxing sigh. “ For someone like Amelia, who is known for the quick completions of her missions and has only needed the smallest clues to investigate to ask someone of your capabilities concerns me.” He stares at the emerald with the Roberts family seal on the handle of his cane. “ But not as much as the fact that two have yet to complete this mission, which gives me an uneasy feeling. Not to add the fact that in Amelia’s report, your still no closer to finding our culprit.” He says as he gesture for me to have a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk, and I accept the offer before apologizing to help Amelia eliminate the target soon enough. He cut me off with laughter and leaves me very confused and curious. “ No need for apology my boy, we are not in front of the council. The need for results are just is of no concern as long as the mission is completed.” He says as his laughter begins to come to a halt and put his cane to the side of the desk. He slowly leans over on the desk with his hands pressed under his lips and elbows secured on his desk at an angle. I’m passed a envelope to me with the black seal of the brotherhood and begins speaking in most serious tone. “ The mission has changed from elimination to a silencing.” I start skimming through the files in the envelope as he continues explaining the context of this sudden change. “ It's one thing to have someone leave the brotherhood and we do what we must, but…… it cannot be tolerated when we have someone betray us and try to topple years worth of progress. We will respond accordingly.” Before continuing on, he snaps his fingers two times and a man walks inside the study and pours my grandfather a glass of his favorite Irish whiskey. Once he hands it him, grandfather thanks him and tells him to wait by his side to pour another after finishing his drink. “ I shouldn’t have to remind you that in the silencing, the accused shall be judged in front of the elders ending with an  execution done by the Spada Cupa.” I nodded to assure him that I am prepared to do my duty for the brotherhood. I stare at the photos of my target, who we have been chasing for months with Amelia.

His name is Michael, we trained in the same group when we were still students under the brotherhood. Born and raised in India before joining the brotherhood, a very slender guy who stood about 5”7, well educated and versed in all religions, even though he had a real bad tendency to question our ways of doing things, he earned his place among us, and soon after he left the brotherhood. I conversed more with my grandfather on the subject to get a better understanding of who I am dealing with. Since he's been where I'm standing, I have no doubt about what light he could shed on the matter.

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