Chapter 5: Giardino Dell'Eden

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I am Sonya Roberts, from beijing, China. My parents died when I was very young and there weren’t any other relative to claim me, so I went from home to home until I met a tall man with light brown skin in a white suit by the name of Michelangelo Roberts. He took me and my three siblings. I was ten years old at the time and the other were around the sam age, so we were close. The youngest of us was gentle little Rolando, he was kind and always smiling. He has slick hair and brown eyes, and a baby face for as long as I could remember. Father found him at an orphanage in Mexico after finding me. Before taking in me and Rolando in, he went to Jamaica to get Amelia. My older sister by 9 months, she’s such a beauty with her soft light skinned body, long black curly hair. Her personality could change a room, but she has an attitude to match. The first of my father’s children was D’Angelo, the oldest of my siblings. He was pretty much easy to get along with if he didnt see you as a problem. He’s brown skin with dark brown eyes, a low cut nappy hair with a scar over his left eyebrow. They met when our father was traveling through America for his first time. He moved us to Boulder, Colorado and kept us pretty busy at home. We were homeschooled and were taught every subject that he felt we needed to know, put us in various sports and taught self defense. From time to time he would take us out to parks so we could learn to get along with other kids and watch out for one another. When we got older, we all made the decision to go to the marines so that our skills wouldn’t go to waste.

    Father belonged to a secret brotherhood that had itself deeply connected through the world. They controlled the shifts of governments, populations, economics, and anything that could send the world into armageddon. They called themselves The Giardino dell’Eden( The Garden of Eden). Our father’s name was held at top regard amongst them, his duty within brotherhood was to train and educate the next generation of new members to protect their secrets and keep the so called balance of the world. Overseeing it all is seven elders, one for each continent that keep the brotherhood in order and under law. We were bought into this world of secrets and darkness but we don’t regret it, so if there ever was a light at the end of this fucked up tunnel… well… we damn sure missed it.

    D’Angelo was a star pupil in the eyes of the brotherhood, he devoted himself to their cause and our family. It didn’t take him long to rise through their ranks with his conviction and hard work alone. He’s assassinated many people high in power, from prime ministers to diplomats. He was looked up to by many members as he held the title of Spada Cupa( Grim Sword), a deadly assassin trained to protect the elders, act out their orders, and enforce the laws of the brotherhood. The best part is that it hasn’t changed him as the person I’ve always known him to be. D’Angelo is the CEO of a computer software company used by people all over the world called Crav-Tak. My brother is a smart man, whose rather in to living the normal life like our father when he is not around the brotherhood.

    My older sister Amelia was just as great as my brother but she kept to the shadows and became a info broker and interrogator for the brotherhood. Because of people like her, the brotherhood has all the updates on what's happening and finding new and useful resources. She more known for her sniping skills that she obtained from archery and the military, which landed her a job with the Boulder police department. Just like her hyper personality, she rather use her skills as a cop than do something that didn’t require her to holster a gun. She’s always telling me to do what came natural instead of hiding but I feel she just loves holding weapons.

    Rolando wanted nothing more than to be just like our father and follow in his steps and become a Reclutatore( Recruiter ), Just like our father, he would travel the selecting a certain number of children to raise, train, and educate for the future of the brotherhood. This meant that he couldn’t have a separate life outside the brotherhood like the three of us , which took him down a path which none of us could understand. There always more to his duties than we realized, and even more secrets.

    What was I doing, you may ask? Well in my normal life, I became a fashion designer in New York and got pretty famous for it if I do say so myself. As for my line of work within the brotherhood, I specialize in weapons development and design to keep us ahead of the rest of the world so we can neutralize certain threats that may become a problem. I’ve made multiple blueprints to increase our fighting power and taken the lead on so many projects, that I’ve barely made time for sleep between doing that and my other job.

    There's a few things to know about the brotherhood and it's rules that govern us. The seven commandments that are to be followed without hesitation or the cold embrace of death will be met.


Silence: The silence of one, is the secret of many.

Thought: Think as one, act as one.

Order: Balance the scale, to with hold order.

Faith: The one of many, father of all.

Sword: Once drawn, follow through.

Innocence: Action follows decision.

Sight: For one truth, are many lies.

We follow these commandments without doubt, without fear, and with all intention. Those students that didn’t follow these rules during their training, were killed on the spot. We seen many rather die than kill, but have seen many more fight to survive for the right to live. The brotherhood has been alive for centuries and it’s numbers only grow larger as time continues. After years of service our is to become an elder of the North American faction of the brotherhood like his father before him and continue the traditions of the Roberts family. A celebration is being made in honor of this achievement, this will also be the first time in 3 years all his children will be seen under one roof. This will be one joyful occasion to remember.


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