Chapter 4: A minor Relflection

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It’s 8am, the alarm sounds off as I awake from the same dream, I think to myself for a while before getting a phone call from Jordan. “Hello my sweet brother, I’ll be on my way to pick you and the package shortly. Please wear something suitable for tonight as a request from him.” She says in better spirits than yesterday and as soon as she hangs up, I hop out of bed to get dressed. While preparing for tonight, I continue to think to myself some more before hearing Jordan honking her horn for me. I grab the package and walkout to her in a rather flashy truck, shouting at me to hurry up as I laughed at her. I put the package in the back and hop in, as we make our way to the airport.

    On our way there Jordan gets curious as usual and decides to ask one of her great questions. “ So….. why the button down and slacks? You’re dressed like this is a silencing.” I continue to look out the window thinking to myself, ignoring her but she continues to talk anyways. “ If you’re just going to stare at the pretty blue sky, the least you could do is tell your pretty younger sister what you have been up to while away from your family. You know he hates it that you decided to move away from us.” She says with sincerity in her tone but if it wasn’t for certain responsibilities, I don’t think leaving America would be far enough. We drive past a family of four in a park with their dog relaxing. “At the time… it was just for the best.” I tell her with thoughts of the past, as Jordan look at me with a mournful look on her face. “ You don’t have to come if your not up to it. We’ll understand.” She says but I’ve lost all interest in this place, like a child throwing away old toys. If I'm being honest with myself, I’d rather watch it burn to the ground.

    I reach into my pocket to pull out a pen and I stare at it for a little while to think. There’s nothing but an empty space in there now, so why force myself to stay any longer. Earlier back at my house, I spoke with Julia when she awoke from her slumber. She asked what happened and why she ended up here. “ Morte di un fiore( Death of a flower ).” Her eye widen with fear as she quickly drop, shaking from the depths of her very soul. I stand there leaning on the wall to my staircase, staring at her as she remains speechless looking around for an escape route. “ There's no way out of this with you living Julia, not this time. Tell me where Antonio, or whatever he’s calling himself nowadays and we can get on with it.” I tell her calmly as she stares at the gun in my hand with tears rolling down her eyes and lips quivering. “ Addio sole santo(Goodbye holy son).” she says closing her eyes, trying to calm herself  before in the face of death. “ Possa colui che veglia su di noi, ci guida a casa( May he who watches over of us and us home).” I said before pulling the trigger and the sound of gunfire sends birds scattering from the trees as Julia lays lifeless on the floor. The pen was a gift from Mae lin before she changed her name to Julia, the words she wrote on it stuck close to me. Mano e mano della famiglia( Family, hand and hand).


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