Chapter 3: Snake in A Lion's Den

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It’s 1:45 pm, and I still have some time before meeting with Julia for dinner. “ If he hadn’t told to come over here and help you out, I’d have more time to work on the other lead we have. Which means I don’t enough time to get all the intel I want.” She says disappointed, I need her for more pressing matters after she finishes anyway. She notices the look on my face and sees I have an idea. “ I take it you have an idea my dear brother?” I lead her to the kitchen to grab myself something to drink and she has a smirk on her face waiting for my response to her question, I pull out some orange juice and pour a glass as I explained. “ Well I have pretty good way of getting closer to accomplishing our mission, while you making this more enjoyable for you.” She looks at me intrigued and leans over on the table with a smile on her face. “ Now you have piqued my interest.”

It’s 2:08 pm at Julia’s house and she’s getting ready for dinner, she praddles on and on to me while she paces back and forth thinking about what to wear. “ I can’t think of anything to wear, what do you think Alex?” she gives me the choice between three different dresses and before i could answer, Julia’s phone rings. “ Hello.” She answers blushing and from her tone of voice, it must be her date. As they’re conversation continues and her tone changes to a more serious one, she looks at me and says we need to head towards the cafe, where we work. We get to work there.

While on our way she continues to talk to that man over the phone trying to figure out what's happening. “What is going on here Julia?” I asked with concern and she just stares at me as she gets off the phone with a sad and scared look on her face. “ Nothing good.” she says as we arrive down the street from the cafe, seeing a giant crowd of people surrounding it. In confusion I stop the car and try to ask Julia what's going on, but before I could ask she quickly got out the car. To figure out for myself, I got out the car  amd see Julia looking at the top of the cafe petrified. I looked to a naked woman with her throat cut and pale as if she been frozen, hanging upside down from her feet with her face  bruised like someone almost beat her to death. “ Francesca, no!!” She screams as she falls to her knees in tears, I run to her and pretty soon the cops show up to take situation. Through the process of taking the body down, the police question people about what happened. After I finished, I had to the car to see how Julia was doing. I walk over to the passenger side and lean in to the window to see her staring at the cafe as if she was never going to see it again, I call her name multiple times until she breaks from her trance to look at me. She stares at me for a second then grabs my hand, holding it tightly. “ That woman was a good co-worker and a great friend to me, she helped me get this job.” she says as tears fall from her face. “ I mean she had her problems but she didn’t deserve this.” While we were talking, a black car pulls up and parks behind us. A man gets out, he was around 6 foot tall, brown skin, buzz cut, beard, and he was wearing a black suit. Julia notices him and slowing get out the car and walks to him in tears, calling to him. She holds him close and begins to sob even more. “ We should get you home.” He says holding her in comfort as she complies, I volunteer to drive her home as Marcus follows.

Back at Julia’s apartment, we sit in the living room watching the news about what happened at the cafe today. The news anchor explains that Francesca killer has yet to be identified and that he or she is still around, armed and dangerous. Marcus turns off the tv and asks if Julia is ok and she nods her heads, She heads towards the kitchen as I follow her shortly after. “ I’m heading out.” I tell Julia as she gives me a sad face. “ Are you sure you can’t stay a little longer?” I decline the offer and told her that her tall friend in the other room should be more than enough company. She walks out to tell Marcus I was leaving, Julia is such a nice girl, sad thing she had to see something like that today. There are a lot of thing she had to see something, a lot of things you wouldn’t think people are capable of when given power over another person. I wonder what Francesca was thinking before she got her throat slit, but tonight is only the beginning. Pretty crazy way to think of it but when was anything ever normal around here to begin with anyway. I grab the bottle of wine sitting on the counter and send across her head, which sent it across her head, which puts her to the floor. Marcus stands up looking in surprise when Julia hits the floor. “ You could’ve just smacked her head against the wall, instead of making a mess with the bottle crazy girl.” He says nonchalant tone as I look at him as confidently without a care in the world. “ Let’s call it frustrations from friends with this girl for so long.” Marcus heads towards the door to go to the car to find something to tie her up with. Before he walks out, he look backs at me with a smile. “ You still had fun tonight right?” Once he leaves out the door, all I can do is smirk at the fact that he’s right.


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