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I walked home that night with a book in my hand about Eastern Mysticism. It was very late by now, the slightest sounds made me jump. Growing up in a place like Liverpool, you learn yo defend yourself.

"Hey there, pretty kitty," I jumped at the voice and held up my fist till I saw who it was.

"John! What are you doing out this late?"

"I could ask the same of you," I looked away from his comment, blushing, "you wanna go out for a drink?"

"Sorry, not tonight, John. I'm not in the mood. I just wanna go watch movies in my apartment," I let my eyes wander around the city. The lights, the signs, the prostitutes.

"Mind if I join ya? I'm lonely," John looked at me like a lost puppy. How could I say no?

"Come along," I sighed. He jumped up with excitement.

"What movies do you wanna watch?" He was always so excitable.

"Horror? You like that, Johnny?"

"I love horror," he laughed like a maniac. I wanted to share what I learned today. I needed to share what I learned. But, I couldn't. Not with Johnny. He was a wild card. If I told him he would either understand and want to join me, or he would laugh and call me insane and a sheep.

"So what movie exactly, Rings?"

"I was thinking we could watch some classics. Child's Play, and Friday the 13th. Sound good?"

"Oh yeeah, definetly!" He laughed again like a maniac. That was his humor. Whenever he joked around we usually caught the attention of some rather posh girls just trying to study, or shop.

We made it to my low end apartment and went up the short two flights of steps. John walked in like he had been living there and slumped down on a couch.

"Y'know Rings, it'd be a whole lot easier to let me live with you. Rent would be easier to pay, you wouldn't be so lonely, and you'd have your own personal baker," John loved baking breads, cakes, and such, but other than that he was an awful cook.

"I'll be fine on my own, thanks. Want any popcorn?" He nodded and stepped into the kitchen.

I glanced up at the calendar and realized that the sock hop was only in a couple of days. Like I'd go to that. I was so hyped for it too. What would I tell past me? Sorry sport, you can't go to the one thing you've really looked forward to this year because Geo_Hazza is a jerk who doesn't care about your feelings. I bet he just wanted someone to smoke with other than that devious Paul character.

My phone interrupted my thoughts.

Unknown caller.

Should I take the risk?

"Hullo? Who is this?" I answered briskly.

"Uh... high Richard," God. It was him. George.

"What do you Want? If you don't answer me quickly, I'm hanging up."

"Look, I think you just misunderstood. I'm not great with words-"

"So what did you mean to say?" I cut him off rather sternly.

"What I meant to say was... Well I have this friend. He's got beautiful blue eyes, and the greatest voice a stretched soul could hear. One night, he and I slept together. It wasn't a big deal to me because I loved him. Okay, to be honest, I was giddy inside. I wanted to squeal. But, I didn't want to freak him out. So I just told him that I didn't care. I hurt him. And there's a dance coming up and I wanna ask him out to it. What do you think he'll say?" He was sweet. I thought for a second.

"I think he'll say yes. But, only if you say the words you forgot to say. George?" there was a short pause.

"I'm sorry, Ritchie. I love you," his voice got quiet.

"I love you too, goodnight," I hung up and skipped around the kitchen. Yes! I was going to a dance for once! This time I wasn't going to sit alone in my room while my friends danced at prom. I wasn't going to be eating with my mom while my friends celebrated the end of their middle school years. I was gonna be with the man I loved.

God, was this all too quick?

"Come on now! Have you burnt the popcorn?" Right, he was still here.


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