Rosie and Lisa had their final goodbye. Lisa swore she wouldn't cry; but when Rosie only got to the car and closed the door, tears were already filled her eyes. She waved aggressively as the vehicle was moving farther from where she stood—ignoring the fact that her nose was already runny and her cheeks were tomato red.

"You have a lovely friend," Kyungsoo said, breaking the silence between them. They'd driven for fifteen minutes but no one spoke a word.

"If by lovely you mean embarrassing then I'm sorry... She's just a really enthusiastic girl," Rosie replied.

Kyungsoo chuckled in response. "I guess you must've been feeling really nervous right now."

"I do actually," Rosie spoke slowly. "Can I ask you some questions?"

Kyungsoo turned his head to the girl sitting beside him. "Of course."

"What is Yoojung like? I mean, is she difficult to handle?"

"She's a very good girl. Some people just like to misunderstand her. Don't worry, I think she's gonna like you."

"I hope so... I actually get along with kids very well, but you know this one is a little older and I'm just afraid that I'll make a mistake."

"You'll be fine. She may come off as rude, but she means no harm."

"I see..."

The drive to the Park family's house was two hours long from Rosie's place. It was still in the same town, but it was located in the quieter side of Seoul. A lot of people who lived there were all business people who wanted to distance themselves from the noisy and crowded surrounding.

At the entrace, they were welcomed by four guards who looked completely stony and unfriendly. Kyungsoo then lowered the window and showed them his ID. One guard with a really thick mustache then nodded and opened the gates for him.

"Aren't four guards a bit too much?", Rosie asked.

"Nope. Not at all. You'll see why...," Kyungsoo said as he drove further to the complex.

The atmosphere felt different the moment Rosie and Kyungsoo entered the complex.

Tall and huge pine trees were all aligned on both sides of the road. It seemed like a perfectly chilly and green environment, and it was true. Kyungsoo lowered the car windows and let the breeze come in. It felt unbelievably good. Rosie never thought that there still existed a part of the city that was untouched by pollutions. Along the way, Rosie sticked out her hand from the window—letting the cool wind bring shiver to her skin and blow her hair.

The breathtaking view didn't only stop there.

Rosie and Kyungsoo finally reached the neighborhood, in which grand looking mansions were all built next to each other—with rather huge gap between them. Rosie was very taken aback by the highly detailed architecture that she had her mouth hanging the whole time.

"We're not stopping here?" Rosie asked when Kyungsoo just drove past the mansions.

"We'll get there soon," Kyungsoo said smiling.

They continued driving until they reached the more desolate side of the complex. Finally, another huge mansion was seen. The building was a little different from the others. It was embowered in spruce trees, and the bushes were all trimmed neatly. In front of it existed a large fountain that had a beautiful, bronze womanly figure statue sitting perfectly in the middle. Whoever designed the whole house must've had really exquisite taste, Rosie thought.

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