Present: Recording

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Though we know the path's unclear

We'll still fight waves even with fear

Wherever island we may end

I'll hold your hand and by then...

"This is a good bridge. Great lyrics... it's hopeful and beautiful like what you promised." Taeyang said.

"I agree. I super love the melody too! Who made it?" IU asked. Yeol then proudly pointed to Chaeng who looked all shy.

"Well... our kids did their job. Time for us to do ours IU-ssi." Taeyang said.

"Let's fix the distribution, double check the instrumental, look for a place to do adlibs" IU told Taeyang.

"You guys can warm up your voices." IU told Chaeng and Yeol.

"We're done with that." Yeol answered.

"Then you can just chill there for a while." the PD who was also inside the recording studio said. Yeol then pulled out his phone and played some music. Chaeng was shocked seeing the song Yeol was playing.

"Consequences? Didn't you cry listening to that?" Chaeng said looking at Yeol who was listening so deeply.

"Well, yes. It still kinda hurts imagining how much you related to this song and how I was the reason for it but I agree with you..It's beautiful." Yeol honestly answered. Chaeng then saw the name of the playlist which was named "Our Playlist" which made her so curious. 

"Why would 'consequences' be in that playlist?" Chaeng thought. Just as she was deep in her thoughts, the PD called for Yeol so he needed to leave the studio for a while. Chaeng then had an idea. 

"Yeol!" Chaeng shouted which made everyone freeze.

"I mean... Chanyeol oppa... Can I borrow your phone? I need to listen to some music to calm my nerves." Chaeng said just to be able to borrow Yeol's phone which was there in the couch.

"okay" Yeol said with a smile and left the room. Chaeng immediately checked the phone and opened the playlist which to her shock was...

"Let's record now" IU suggested just as Yeol entered the room.

The recording went on successfully. Everyone got along well and all were shocked but happy that Yeol and Chaeng seems to be finally close. too close actually. Yeol and Chaeng finally left after recording but the seniors and crew still stayed to shoot IU and Taeyang arranging the song. Both Yeol and Chaeng were... thinking going home but their thoughts are going on a different direction.



"Chaeyoung-ah!" Lisa shouted as Chaeng entered the room and went for a kiss. Surprisingly, Chaeng didn't even bulge and let Lisa kiss her. There's only one reason for that... Chaeng is bothered.

"Are you okay?" Lisa asked Chaeng. Then they sat at the dining room where the two unnies are already sitting.

"Why?" Jennie also asked as she heard Lisa's question to Chaeng. Chaeng was just looking nowhere and doesn't even mutter a word nor look at them.

"Chaeng?" Jisoo also asked because she was also worried. After a while, Chaeng looked at them all so serious and muttered something.

"I think I still want him" Chaeng said.



EXO's dorm was so loud and crazy because they are watching a movie. Just then, Yeol entered.

"Yeol! Join us!" Xiumin suggested and Yeol agreed. The boys are watching a funny movie but Yeol seems to be... distracted. 

The movie ended without Yeol even noticing. They were about to go to their respective rooms but Yeol suddenly talked.

"Guys, I have something important to say." Yeol said which made everyone go back to their places.

"I don't want to pursue Chaeng anymore." he added.



"Chaeyoung-ah..." although they all knew Chaeng somewhat still hasn't moved on from Yeol, they were still worried because of what happened before.

"Unnie, you don't have to worry." Chaeng said with a smile.

"But... he hurt you. Why still-" Jennie was saying when Chaeng immediately answered.

"I know unnie. I won't forget that... but maybe he hasn't too. I just- I realized... maybe it just isn't me that was hurt." Chaeng said.

"Besides, we won't know what'll happen. I just... I feel like I have to tell you. You are my sisters and you saw me when I was broken." Chaeng said.

"Exactly. We saw how broken you were. We don't wanna see it again" Jennie said. With the 3 girls, Jennie is mostly the vocal one when it comes to these things. 

"Didn't you also say you just want to end this and go back to normal?" Lisa said.

"I know... but... being with him again... I feel like this is the normal me." Chaeng answered honestly.

"But you were able to live for 2 years without him" Lisa argued.

"Do you think that was living Lisa? Who I was, Who I became, Who I am now again... Do you think I was living for those 2 years?" Chaeng said.

"So you don't need us then." Lisa said.

"No Lisa... that's not it. I can't live without you girls... If I survived Yeol, then I won't survive without you... but. He broke me... and I think only he can fix me." Chaeng said.

"Let's eat first and talk later. The food is getting cold." Jisoo said and the girls went eating. After eating they talked about it again and although the girls were worried, they were still supportive of it. They know Chaeng has changed, and learned, and she really wasn't living her life normally until her and Chanyeol mended. They knew all they can do is be there for Chaeng and try to support her.



"You really are an idiot." Kyungsoo said.

"What?!" Chanyeol was shocked.

"Didn't you say you want to pursue her before the 3 day thing?" Baekhyun said.

"You also said it went well?" Suho added.

"I know. I still love her but I hurt her so much and-"

"So redeem yourself you idiot." Chen said,

"But what if she doesn't want me? We're okay with this. She doesn't hate me and were happy." Yeol said.

"Remember and we asked you if you think she still likes you and you said you don't know... what did we tell you after?" Baekhyun asked.

"I'm an idiot?" Yeol answered.

"Exactly!" Baekhyun said.

"Why?" Yeol was still confused.

"Because it shouldn't matter idiot." Kyungsoo said.

"If she likes you, it's good. If not, then make her like you. That's the purpose of courting bro." Kai said.

"Why? Are you contented with what you are now?" Sehun asked which made Yeol tongue-tied.

Part of Yeol is happy with the light relationship that they have... 

but part of him also wants something more deeper...

The Story Behind ~ 𝓅𝒸𝓎 𝓍 𝓅𝒸𝓎Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt