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The whole town felt depressed. Today was Seunghoon's funeral. The one day you didn't believe would happen so quick. Just yesterday you were with him, arguing with who swung higher on the swings. Now, you're staring down at him at the open casket.

A single tear escapes the corner of your eye and rolls shamelessly off your cheek, into the casket. Hoony lies there, pale with leathery looking skin. The color in his face had washed away since the hour he was found laying unconscious in his apartment.

How? Well he was diagnosed with a sickness. The doctors weren't quite sure of it, but could diognose he didn't have long to live. He didn't keep it from you. It wasn't a secret, but it still felt so surreal.

"Y/n, please honey. Staring at him won't make it better, come on." A lady said, guiding you away from the open casket where Hoony was.

You nodded at her with a smile, a fake one at that. You looked at all the photo's that were hung up as memories, most of them including you in the picture. You and Seunghoon grew up in the orphanage with each other. You two were like the town's children.

You weren't very sure why but, Hoony was your only friend. He was the only one that would listen and understand everything you'd say. He would be on your side even if you were to do or say something stupid. Best friends stick together, right?

Although it's only been a week since Hoony's death, you felt bottled up. You didn't let yourself cry. You knew Hoony wouldn't have wanted you to cry, so you didn't. You didn't talk about it to anyone, just kept it to yourself.

As you looked down at the lifeless body, you took in the realism of Seunghoon's death. After all, you knew it was coming. Sooner of later.

Sure, you felt pain, but only pain. You wanted to feel something other than sadness. To get something into your blood. Make you energetic and giggly. What causes that? Alcohol. The club awaits.


So, I changed her disorder to post traumatic disorder and her age. If you have been reading at the beginning, you'd know it was anxiety and that she was 20. It's just a small change in the story plot.

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