Summer to Fall

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Antonella Anderson was in the gym of Forest Academy. She has gone there almost everyday of summer. Running on top of that, in the woods. She would not be able to do it as often because the school year was right around the corner.

She wore black leggings that reached just passed her knees, and a  black sports bra, her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail. Sweat dripped down her body, glistening the muscles that had formed over a lifetime of training. A boxing bag was in front of her as she punched it with red gloves, which she probably didn't need.  She punched it harder and harder as she was lost in her own mind.

'You left me with that creature so called a father,' She heard her sister's venomous voice in her head.

'Stars can't shine without darkness,' her mother said in her head.

'You think you can cure me?' Jay's voice.

'The Anderson Wolf, with crimson red eyes is destined to be with the orange eyed supernatural creature,' She heard Alan Deaton's voice.

'Isaac is dead,' Derek's words had almost destroyed her that day.

'I'm in love with you too,' Isaac's voice.

'We were already friends,' Erica's voice.

'You're scared of being the monster you already are' Jay's voice once again.

'Allison!' Lydia's scream ran in her ear, and she began punching the bag harder.

'And we're not even supposed to be together,' Then she was driven over the edge.

Andy spun around herself and kicked the bag with all her might, making it fly off its chain that attached it to a bar on the roof. She stared at the broken bag, breathing heavily before taking off the boxing gloves, and hastily walking over to a corner where her towel and water was.

She lifted her left hand, allowing her fire element to escape pass the surface of her hands. She watched in wonder if she could possess the same power she had the evening she killed all those rogue hunters at once. But then her phone dinged.

She picked up her phone, revealing that she had received a test message.

Hey! I'll meet you at lunch later :)


She began to text him a simple 'okay,' but just turned her phone off, and gathered her stuff to leave.


Jamie Mackenzie sat with her best friend, Andy and her boyfriend Stiles Stilinski.

"I can't believe you got both a chicken nuggets and a hot dog," Stiles chuckled at his girlfriends eating choices.

"Are you calling me fat?" Jay asked, pretending to be offended.

"I-um-no-that-" Stiles stuttered uncomfortably.

"Just kidding," Jay stopped him, and kissed him. It was meant to be a quick kiss but it soon developed.

"Yuck," Andy pretended to be sick as she mocked them kissing.

They were sitting in the meadow of the outdoor cafeteria, enjoying their lunch. The once green summer leaves began to turn a yellow-orange color as fall was right around the corner. But it was still a nice summer day before Senior year started for most of the Moonlit and Blood-Moon pack.

Jay gave her best friend the middle finger after pulling away from Stiles.

"Hey!" Andy threw a piece of chicken from her chicken wrap at her.

ELEMENTS: The Final Battle (Teen Wolf AU) (Third Book of the Elements series)Where stories live. Discover now